Encore Endeavor


May 20, 2006
I reacently bought one of these and had a leupold ultimateslam installed ,by a gunsmith, in one piece Talley rings. I brought it to the range and shot it about 13 times trying to paper the gun. Being new to the muzzleloading game I thought it was me. I tried several loads of different powders and was unable to get shots on paper. I took it home and boresighted it and it is way high. I was shooting over the targets. The talley rings are built for this rifle specifically and I trust the local gunsmith even though he aparently did not boresight the gun. Has anyone else ran into this problem? I called Talley and they are sending me a new set to see if the mount or the barrel is bad. Can you shim up the base or how do you change point of impact by that much?
What a disappointment! It sounds as if you have taken the appropriate steps, however, boresighting and speaking with Talley. Have you shot the rifle since you boresighted? Are you able to adjust to the POI? If so, then your problem is solved w/o shimming.

Were you trying to sight the gun in at 100 yards? You would be well advised to start at a close range (say 25 yards) and get it on paper first before trying at a longer distance. Adjust at 25 yards and then try at longer distance, depending upon the rifle and/or calibre.

I have found that many gunsmiths do not bore sight rifles, or if they do so, the spuds have become worn with use and the sighting is not accurate. Also, it seems that there is a movement to laser sighting over the older style of bore sighting methods, and the laser sighting is often performed at less than optimum distance.
I did not bother with shooting after boresighting due to the fact that the scope would not adjust to the bore point. I know that the pro hunter and endeavor barrel tapers differ from the base by a little. The front has a gap of about 10 thousandths of an inch. Their is not a screw near the front to pull that down either. Talley ensured me that the back has sufficient surface area to provide enough rigidity for the recoil and scope.
I sighted in at 100 yards and 50 yards and thats how I figured out that I am aiming about 2 foot high. I do not have that much adjustment in the scope. 2 foot high at 50 yds is terrible. I have heard about jim shockey and others taking animals with this endeavor. The scope has markers out to 300 yds for crying out loud. If I can't deal at 50 300 is laughable.
I called Talley and they send me new rings next day air. The guy I talked to was the same everyday. I did not have to go through automated answering machines. This is a small shop dedicated to quality products and excellent service. I would recommend them to anyone. They were really nice and said if that did nat work they would take the gun and get me a solution. Give them a try if you have problems call and they will bend over backwards for you.
I've heard nothing but good about the Talley shop. Every call from northern British Columbia is accepted and resolved quickly. +1 on your commendation.
The gun is still shooting terrible at 50 yads it is putting the bullet through the target sideways. I am seating the sabot firmly againest the two pyrodex powder charges and I can't seem to stop the knuckleball.
Any suggestions?
Ship it back to T/C before you waste a ton of money on components. Something is apparently wrong with the rifle.

I shot a few hundred rounds through a 45-70 T/C barrel on my ProHunter before I shipped it back. T/C found it necessary to replace the barrel.
TC stands behind their guns have a lifetime warranty. I had a problem with an Encore frame once, called them up sent it in. It came back completely assembled with all new guts. This year, my firing pin broke. They sent me a new pin, return spring, and bushing. Shot a doe with it two weeks later. This gun was pre-owned. Doesn't matter-TC will stand by their warranty.
Finally decided to add to this saga. I Replaced the talley one pice base which it seems to be a on going problem with the encore due to the bad barrel taper. The one piece is unsupported by the barrel in the front. My gunsmith finally took the gun and took it to the range himself and after shimming the heck out of it he finally got it shooting. He had to replace the tally one piece with a separate picatinney and ring combo. Then preceeded to bend me over on price. It now shoots 3 shot groups 1 moa or less so I can't complain about his results.
Glad your back up and running. Sounds like cost you some bucks, but MOA is nice to have and the confidence in the rifle should help with the cost some. Scotty