Ever heard of these

I saw the same e-mail. I'm thinking about ordering a couple of boxes of .270s, just for the brass.
I think they are RWS's copy of the Partition. I saw a write up on them somewhere last fall and that is all I remember. BK if you are using another brand of brass right now, its a really good chance that when you reload them that the point of impact will "not" be the same as it is now. I do not mix brands in my use. :grin:

They have aspects of the Partition, but they are a much more complex bullet. The "torpedo" base is a concept that would seem to create more complexity, which translates into less accuracy. The dual lead core sounds somewhat like Speer's Mag-Tips. In all, I would try them, though I would not really anticipate much from them. Nevertheless, the RWS components I've used were first rate stuff.

RWS has been around for many years. German ingenuity and quality at its best.


I didn't retain the torpedo idea just the fact that they were using the base and front end seperation concept. I agree that German made stuff is quality however I also think that, its way over engineered. I have a neighbor with 1 high end German Car and a not so high end. One sits in his garage for sunny day use, and has to be plugged in to maintain the electronics system. The other a 2005 has already lost some of the dash board readouts. He says they are great engineers but not so great at electronics.
I have heard of RWS in the past, just wondered if any of you others have used their bullets. Their prices on that ammo I listed seems to be pretty reasonable and they had some 177gr 7mm Rem Mag ammo. Sounds like some serious bullets. Scotty
Elkman":1waq4qfd said:
BK if you are using another brand of brass right now, its a really good chance that when you reload them that the point of impact will "not" be the same as it is now. I do not mix brands in my use. :grin:

Yeah, I'm coming late to the .270 game, so this will be my initial round of loading for it. I read on another board that the RWS tends to be a little thicker, so max loads will be less. (Note to self: need .270 dies.)
Very popular stuff while I was stationed in Germany in the 1990's.

Personally I see no use for them here since this is where the gun mother lode is. We have everything we need here and the only thing that Europe can offer is different firearms and special powders (once in a while).
Just my philosophy.
POP":146ghwig said:
Very popular stuff while I was stationed in Germany in the 1990's.

Personally I see no use for them here since this is where the gun mother lode is. We have everything we need here and the only thing that Europe can offer is different firearms and special powders (once in a while).
Just my philosophy.

Pretty good assessment.

Tested some RWS Subsonic .22LR in my Ruger 22/45 and had a few that failed to go off. Also noticed that some were louder than other rounds in the setup i was using :wink:
POP":33lsobnq said:
Very popular stuff while I was stationed in Germany in the 1990's.

Personally I see no use for them here since this is where the gun mother lode is. We have everything we need here and the only thing that Europe can offer is different firearms and special powders (once in a while).
Just my philosophy.

Don't forget their AWESOME optics! Those dang Europeans really have the market cornered on supreme glass. Scotty
Woodycreek":p3kmhbhq said:
Tested some RWS Subsonic .22LR in my Ruger 22/45 and had a few that failed to go off. Also noticed that some were louder than other rounds in the setup i was using :wink:

Were you conducting some decibel tests for your Ditch Tiger Safari! Scotty
My "Test Range" known as the backyard :lol: That setup has come in handy with a farmer not far from the Hunting Club. He was losing some calves and i took care of the problem with my low decibel setup.
I used RWS brass for awhile in my 7X64 Brenneke until I found Norma brass. I liked the Norma brass better to work with. It is still sitting in a box waiting to get shipped to Mike :oops:
Now, Joel, if I got that 7 X 64 brass, it would mean building another rifle! :shock: It might well mean that I needed marriage counselling shortly after starting the build! :roll:
Nice! It looks like a nice set up. Did you get your holster for it yet? Scotty