Favorite 300 WSM loads please.


Feb 18, 2006
I am the proud new owner of a Winchester Extreme Weather in300 WSM and could not be happier. Loaded some 180 NAB with Hunter and IMR4350. The IMR load was pretty good and chronied 2890 average, but what is your go to?

I will play with seating depth, but was curious to what is your pet loads? Thanks!
First fouler, then 3 at 100-yards.


Next 200-yard 3-shot.

Hunter at 100-yards.
Stop now! You're good to go! Your load will work well for about anything you want to hunt. Over the years, I've had great success with 165 and 180 grain Fail Safe loads. However, since the Fail Safe is no longer available, I'm using the last of these. More recently, I've focused on the 200 grain Sierra Game King charged with VN560 or the 180 grain Scirocco charged with VN165. Either gives good velocity and accuracy to deliver a mighty blow to game that is unfortunate enough to get in the way.
Your loads look good!

My best load has been with a healthy dose of H4350 and the 210 gr Berger VLD.

...68 grs. of RL-17/ 165gr. cold bore checks @ 3224 (avg.)/ 200yd ("zero'd" w/ 180's)...

...165gr. Sierra SBT "practice loads"...

...165gr. Sierra HPBT GK's...

...180gr. Speer GrandSlams w/ 66grs. RL-17 @3050...
Looks like you have some fantastic loads, nice.

When I had a 300 WSM 2 loads stood out the 180 gr Protected Point Partition with 69.5 gr H 4831 SC that clocked in the low 2900's and between 59.5-60 gr RL 15 with various 165 gr bullets and speeds around 3050 fps. The RL 15 loads were all accurate and had mild recoil which was a nice bonus.......
RL17 is my go-to powder for the .300WSM.

66gr behind the 180AB gets 2950fps and MOA. Backing it off to 65.5 gets 2900 and .75MOA.

69.3 behind the 150AB/BT gets 3300+ and one ragged hole.

Those are max loads from Alliant's data--use appropriate work ups.
RL17 is also my go to powder. 64 grains with a 180 grain pro hunter gets me 3030FPS and 1.5 inch two hundred groups. Works perfect on Elk.
Thanks all! I had some RL17 and 165/168's and it was not very accurate. Think I will play with 4350 and seating depth for now as well you can find it.

Anyone ever try Hybrid? Nosler lists this as the most accurate 180-load.
Man, you'll have a hard time beating those IMR4350 loads. Very nice

I ran RL19 and 180 AB's and 200 PT's. The 180's went just over 3000 and the 200's were low 2900's. Accuracy was good with both. Used CCI250's for both loads.

Still, you could hunt forever with that 4350 load and never miss a thing.
Here is my buddies load we developed. 165 AB, 71 grains of RL19, CCI250's, WW cases and 2.900 COAL. He's getting about 3125 from it and out to 600 it has done really well for him out of his M70 EW.

That should provide a tremendous wallop to any game shot with that load.
I think so to Mike. I may try and shorten them up just a hair, seems to wanna toss that 3rd shot sometimes. Thinking it wouldn't hurt to give it a shot.