Favorite centerfire bullet launchers

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006

The Green Machine.


Beat up 11 year old Kimber.

Both of these have been with me through some tough spots. Good pieces of gear. I dearly love shooting 'em. The Kimber has been through three or four sets of grips and the finish is downright deplorable. The Remington has been through 12 years of hard use in all sorts of conditions and two stocks as well as a couple of barrels. Great piece of gear.

What are your favorites/most used rifles?

Regards, Guy
Well it seems I have a problem of trading/selling rifles to try something new or different. I"ve had a lot of different calibers over the years but my favorite and one I will NEVER be without is a 25-06. I traded my winchester mdl 70 25-06, the one that shot great with anything I put through it, for a friends weatherby vanguard 300 WBY w/3-9 bushnell 3200 scope. Only reason I did that was because I picked up a rem 700 w/shilen barrel in 25-06. I still dont know if I should have gotten rid of that winchester 25-06, it was such a nice lookin rifle and a sweet shooter at that. Other then that, i seem to keep a rifle around for a year or two and get bored of it or just want something different. The rifle I've had the longest is one I"ll never get rid of, ( i said that about my winny 25-06 though to, so you never know) but its my rem 700 triple deuce. My dad bought me that rifle when I was a freshman or sophmore. I've had that rifle close to 6 years I think, way longer then any other rifle i've bought. Of course I"ve burnt out rifle barrels (25-06, 300 RUM) in 2-3 years as well. I guess I liked my 700 LSS in 300 RUM so much I shot the barrel out, and rebarrled it to a 338 EDGE. I"m also quite fond of my rem 700 7 RM w/holland brake. Its extremely accurate and has surprised me with how well its shot with any bullet I want it to. I shot my buck last year with it, 1 shot at 790 yards w/162g amax. I'll be using my 7 RM w/140g NBT or the 338 EDGE w/300g SMK this year for deer. Probly take the 338 EDGE though becuz I need to get a kill with it!! Cant say I have a favorite rifle, but I really like rem 700's so far, and I really like the .222 rem, 25-06, and 7 RM. Time will tell how I'll like the 300 WBY, it'll probly get traded off or sold. The 338 EDGE is a 2 part owner with my dad, so it'll be around a while.

From top to bottom, rem 700 ADL .222 Rem w/3-9 sightron w/mildot, rem 700 25-06 w/shilen bbl, 4-12 leupold, rem 700 BDL 7 RM w/holland brake and 6-18 leupold w/turrets, Weatherby Vanguard 300 WBY w/leupold 6-18 w/turrets, NEF 45-70 w/tasco world class 3-9.


Here is the rem 700 LSS in 338 EDGE 28" HART stainless/fluted w/DE brake, Leupold VX3 LR, 6.5-20x50, 30mm tube, SF, fine duplex, ACI angle indicator, scope level.

Ok, here's mine

7mm STW Model 70 Winchester,30" Lawton Jewelled barrel, HS Precision stock, Leupold 6.5-20 M1 turrets side focus mildot scope.

My favorites are easy. A Kimber Montana in .300WSM and my real favorite, a Rem 700 with a McMillan stock in .338RUM. Both rifles drop Elk but the .338RUM does it with more authority than you can imagine. The montana is a pleasure to carry up and down the colorado mountains.
My favorites are the ones I have;

M77 Ruger Frontier compact (nominated `05 "Rifle of the Year" by G&A) chambered in the 300 WSM, with a 2.5-8x28 EER Nikon Monarch mounted on the barrel (scout).

M77 .375 Ruger Alaskan. NRA "Golden Bullseye Award" winner from the staff of American Hunter. Topped off with a 1.5-5x20 Leupy VX3 German #4.
My big game rifle battery is now a "BEE" hive.

MK V 270 WBY Fiberglass SS
MK V 30-378 Accumark
MK V 416 WBY Classicmark II
Not to miss out, my favorite lead launchers are:

1) Win Mod 70 in 270WSM
2) Rem M700 thumbhole laminate in 300RUM
3) "Hopefully" my new M700 XCR in 338RUM
Mine are a Remington M700 ADL 7mm RM 3x9 Nikon Buckmasters With some trigger work and glass bedded Shoots 160 ABs under .5 at 100 yards and A Ruger M77 25 06 Nikon 4.5x14 Buckmasters with a timmny trigger. those are my favorite for now.
My favorite are the five following:

1. 22-250 Ruger

2. Mark V Custom 30-06 (on it's way back home this week)

3. Mark V Custom 300Wby

4. Mark V Custom 375Wby

5. Ruger Redhawk 44mag. 4" barrel (my back up)
My favorite is with a relative this year, my model 70 264. He drew a moose tag in a good area, but where a longer range rifle is needed. Most of the land he has to hunt are fields. He has a 30-30 savage bolt with irons and a 303 Lee Enfield. Both capable, but not where the average shot is 300 yds. So, I'll most likely just use my CZ550 varmint.

Iron BUck, that mauser is beautiful. Who fitted the stock.


Gary Stiles of Homer City PA built it for me. He does fantastic work. I could not be more pleased.