Finally, a 280 AI!


Thanks for the update.
60.0-61.0 grs RL 22 should get you to where you want to be. Work with the COL, .010-.020" off the lands, magazine permitting, should put you there.

Jim I'm thinking that is going to be two hot for my gun. Tried 60 gr. again and blew two primers this morning. I did notice that the primers seated a little easier than lest time, but I didn't think they were that bad :shock:. I'm going to try some 7828 this weekend. I might even re work the RL-22. Right now i'm .015" off.
jmad_81":3sywxyl1 said:
Jim I'm thinking that is going to be two hot for my gun. Tried 60 gr. again and blew two primers this morning. I did notice that the primers seated a little easier than lest time, but I didn't think they were that bad :shock:. I'm going to try some 7828 this weekend. I might even re work the RL-22. Right now i'm .015" off.

In my new 280AI Lilja barrel one I chronographed both using R-17 and IMR-7828 with 160gr AB using Fed 210M and Fed215M. I didn't have any accuracy problems with either type primers but gained vel with the mag primers.

Might want to switch back to standard LR primers.
Well I think it likes 7828 ssc. I tried the 60 grain load that rick said his gun liked. I think my gun likes it as well. Three shots under .5". I'll chrony them this weekend. I think I'm going to load these three again just to make sure that the primers don't fall out of them as well.

I'll get a pic up sometime this weekend.