Finally getting started on my .243

Make sure you live up that primos Tripod. I got one for my wife and kids to use. A great asset in the field but after one wet Alaskan hunt it corroded up so bad it never worked again. Good luck on your antelope hunt.

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Prone is fine up on slick-rock or a gully bank with an overview, otherwise those tiny cactus buds really mess up your trigger squeeze! ha. Wear leather boots, those same cactus spines can zip right through nylon sneakers/hiking boots, ouch! :) Oh yeah, I take a closed foam sitting pad too, get one for turkey hunters that connect to the back of your belt. Your butt ( and your hunting buddy/spouse who have to tweeze them out) will thank you too, ha.
Just reloaded 50 cases with my hunting load. Might load up 50 more. I'm going with a buddy from work, and this is his first big game hunt! I'm pretty impressed that he is going all in for a 9 day Supposed to be 50ish day time and low 30s at night, sleeping in the bed of my truck! My archery deer hunt was cut short by an untimely death that ended my trip on opening day, really looking forward to this!

Don't mind the scattered shots all over the plate. I was shooting at it with my 9mm at 25 yards while my barrel was cooling down :mrgreen:
I believe you’re going to do well. That rifle is shooting excellent and I can’t help but that that bullet will hammer antelope just fine.
Well, I'm sitting out on the prarie with a grin on my face! 105gr hpbt dropped him in his tracks. 200yds. Found the jacket under the skin on the far side, no core. Who cares.


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Recovered jacket...


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Nice job and beautiful Pronghorn, congratulations. (y)
On the small game it seems that when a bullet sheds its core its not a big deal.. They are still DRT..
Take care