Finally got around to weighing the Accubond


Oct 10, 2004
My BIL shot a nice 6pt this Nov. The 1st shot was head on as the buck came down a two track(following a doe) towards the BIL as he was still hunting up the two track. The doe spied my BIL and stepped to one side so the shot was taken. The two track had corn fields on both sides and of course the buck jumped into one of them. After a brief wait the BIL went up to where he last saw the buck and saw it laying upright a few rows into the corn. He took the final shot at about 10-12 ft aiming at the near front over.

As we skinned the buck out later that morning we found the 140 AccuBond; it had penetrated the near shoulder and lodged in the outside of the far leg bone being held in by only the skin. I took it home to weigh it as I have never had a recovered AccuBond. It weighed 77.4 grains. Two petals had broken off but it had openned perfectly. This was out of a Browning Stainless Stalker in 7m08. 41.5 grains of Reloader 15 with a velocity of 2800+ at the muzzle.


Thats great! Can you post a picture of the recovered bullet?

I got a 130 AB shot out of my 264 Win mag at 3350 fps that traveled the length of a big buck. It was a text book mushroom and weight was 71 grs.
I don't do this often enough to be good at it, but here is attempt #1.

Actually as I looked at the bullet to take pics there was 1 and a half petals broken off.


try using the macro option on your camera for better resoution, typically its the little flower looking icon.

Cool pix regardless.
