Finally got my buck!


Nov 19, 2010
I got my buck at about 3:30pm yesterday afternoon. Nothing like waiting till the last hour and a half of the season to fill my tag. I stayed out in the field all day despite more snow, wind, and 10 degree temps. My dad and younger brother met me out there at about 2 and the plan was for me to sit on one side of the field and for them to go in the brush on the other side to sit and I would be in the right spot for anything they spooked out. Well on their way to where they would park, they found someone stuck in a snow drift. I was already set up and deer were moving everywhere. I called them to find out where they were at and they said to just go ahead and put the sneak on the deer. So I jumped back in the brush and down into the irrigation ditch. I got within 100 yards of where I had seen a nice buck but he had gone back in the brush. I spooked a couple does and they ran towards the other deer so I crawled up out of the ditch and and started running across the field along the trees. I knew where they were all going to come out. The bigger buck came out with the first few does but he got down in a low spot and I couldnt see him. So i kept moving and about 20 more deer all came running out of the brush at once! We had seen a crippled buck the night before and he was one of the last deer to come out of the trees. He was hobbling along at a pretty good pace about 250 yards out. I set down my shooting sticks and waited for him to stop. He never did so I shot. I was out of breath from running through 8" of snow but my shot connected and he dropped. Turns out I hit him too far back but he fell and stayed down. His head was still up so i sent another one into his lungs and waited a couple mins. He still was not looking sick so I put one last shot in his neck and he was down for good. Usually I dont shoot at animals while they are moving but I couldnt let this buck get away. He had a broken front leg that just flopped around. He wouldnt have lasted long in all the snow with the coyotes around. I saw bucks way bigger than this one but it never worked out. Normally I would let a buck this size walk but his suffering needed to end. When I got home with him, my mom told me she knew of a family that is pretty poor so she called them up and the buck is now hanging in their garage, about ready to feed them for the winter. I was shooting my Rem 700 ADL 243 Win with Federal Premium 85gr TSXs. Here are a few pics from this weeks hunting adventures.
20 below temps and -35 degree windchill takes a toll on a guy



I was holding out for one of the 3 or 4 150"+ whitetails I saw out there. They were on the same property I hunt but the land owner has it broke into 3 pieces and I was not assigned the piece with the big bucks. I did miss a bigger whitetail on two different occasions. Missed him tuesday night and wednesday morning. Tuesday night my scope was fogged up but I could still see him good enough for a shot. I just got too excited I guess. Wednesday morning I dont know what happened but I missed. Both times he was within 300 yards of me. Might have to go check my rifle again and see if it didnt get bumped and the scope isnt where I left it set at. I would have given my eye teeth to shoot the bigger buck with the one in the pics above. He wasnt huge but quite a bit bigger than this one. But I knew I had to do what I thought was right, and ended his suffering
You made a good choice taking that buck. I have been there and its never what you really want to do or hope you have to do, but its the right thing to do. Congrats on making a good enough shot to bring him down. Thats a good poke for a moving critter while breathing hard. Those .243s are deer killing machines! I took my first seven deer with my mom's winchester M70 featherweight .243.

Well done!
Nice buck. Congratulations on some fine shooting and being able to enjoy the season right up to the end.

Nice job, Cole.. Hunting in that wx makes you think about where to live when your older... :mrgreen: Oh and thanks for sending it my way, it started up a couple hrs ago....

Make sure you show your younger Sis her atta boys posted here and keep feeding that fire..

Great yr for you and your fam..

Congratulations I know what it is like with the cold weather man!
I've never met ya but I'm damn proud of ya.

You've hunted hard and put some friends and family on good deer.
I've watched that video of Abby at least a dozen times.

You could have held out and shot a bigger buck but made the decision to shoot a cripple that wouldn't have made it through the winter.
After that you decided to help a family that is less fortunate.

Fine job Cole.
You give us older guys hope that we have been heard by at least some of the next generation.

Thank you.You are the future and a damn fine example of it.

HTDUCK":bxzfylgi said:
I've never met ya but I'm damn proud of ya.

You've hunted hard and put some friends and family on good deer.
I've watched that video of Abby at least a dozen times.

You could have held out and shot a bigger buck but made the decision to shoot a cripple that wouldn't have made it through the winter.
After that you decided to help a family that is less fortunate.

Fine job Cole.
You give us older guys hope that we have been heard by at least some of the next generation.

Thank you.You are the future and a damn fine example of it.


Thank you sir. I owe it all to my parents and grandparents. Just a misplaced southern family who knew how to raise their kids right. I see alot of kids these days and how they dress and act, but I cant help to wonder why they do it. I know its to get attention but the only attention they are getting is negative. I pride myself on doing a good job, doing the right thing, and being the person I know I should be.
Congrats on getting your deer and more importantly for doing the right thing. Actually you did a couple of right things, ending a bucks suffering and helping out someone in need with the meat. My hat is off to you, you done good.

Well done young man! That ia a fine deer and a story to telll. That is why we hunt. Keep it up. Sooner or later when the time is right the big on will come your way. CL
I wasnt too worried about getting a big one. Ive got these two under my belt...
Last year's buck from the same property. 141" This one was shot only about 200 yards from where my sister Abby killed hers this year.


and this one from 2005. 156"

I got the one from last year mounted also but no place to hang him yet! I dont have any room in the little trailer house Im renting here in Missoula. Plus I dont think the paper thin walls would hold him up!
Very nice indeed. I really hate it when a person has to add onto the house to make room for all the deer mounts, but a guy has got to do what a guy has to do.

Congrats on a great job, that is the proper way to hunt. That is a good harvest and you helped someone out as well :)

Congratulations! Good shooting and great hunting ethics that show concern for the magnificent animals we hunt. I'm pleased to see such good, ethical hunters in our younger generations.

Good job DeerTracker!
