Finally!!! My 243 came alive!


Nov 19, 2010
I finally got around to shooting some test loads out of my 700 adl 243 that i had restocked back in April. I bought a H.S. Precision stock and had Kirby Allen skim bed it for me. With the old factory synthetic stock, it shot ok. Sometimes would shoot good and the next time out, it would shoot all over. But this new stock was a HUGE improvement. I have this rifle set up now more for longer range shooting. I bought the stock, swapped over a burris fullfield 2 tactical scope with turrets, got a 20moa rail, and also got some burris signature rings with inserts and a bubble level. So I had some test loads of 95gr VLDs over IMR 4350 and 105gr amax over h-1000. In all I had 8 different test loads and only a couple did not show promise. So here are a couple target pics

This is my old load of 95gr btips over 34.5 gr of varget. They shot better now than before

This load was the best of all the test loads. I've got a ton of 95gr VLDs so this one will probably be the winner

This was the best amax load but I've only got about half a box of amaxs

This vld load might work with a little more tuning but not in the same class as the other vld load.

Here is the 243 sporting its new gear
That ought to work! I love the 243 cartridge. I've killed more deer with it than any other cartridge. Never failed me
Very nice.

While I like the look and feel of a traditional wood stock there is no denying that a synthetic stock has some significant benefits. I like your loads and see a great future for them in your rifle.

Happy shooting and hunting.
The rifle is producing fine groups for you. You've helped a bad rifle turn to the good; congratulations.
Looks great to me. A new stock and a bedding job can sure brings things together.
DT, looks great. The 243 with 95 BTs or 100PTs is a very good deer killer. I'm more of a bigger gun guy, but I don't have a single qualm about carrying my sons little 243 for deer anywhere. Very accurate and it hasn't failed to kill any deer either I've shot nor my son or a bunch of other family. Really would like one of them for myself once my son tells me I can't continue shooting out the barrel on his.
Thanks guys. I'm quite happy with it. And I got lucky and its zeroed down towards the bottom of the travel so I have a solid 50moa of come up to play with! According to "shooter" on my phone, that should get me out to about 1400 yards if I were to shoot that far! I'm going to play with it alot and try to shoot some long range coyotes with it this winter!
Have you put this rifle through a Chrono? The groups, although good and consistent, appear to be bimodel to me. You can run the sum of the squares on these bullet holes and plot them to see if there is a bimodality? If so you can work with COAL's.
I was in a hurry when grabbing my rifle and ammo as I was really going dove hunting. So I,totally spaced the idea of bringing my chrono with for the other stuff?
Chrono is a good start. It will tell you if there is a large standard deviation on your load. Run groups of four shots instead of three.