Finally something I can attempt to purchase used in the U S

sask boy

Ammo Smith
Nov 4, 2007
Hi people, just wondering if anyone has a set of 280AI FL dies they would like to sell?
I have been advised that 2 companies manufacture them :) RCBS & Redding.

Thank you my friend :wink: I wish that the 49th did not play such a big deal in our hobby :evil:
Maybe some day it will truly be free trade :)

My 280 AI dies came in today :) I guess I will not be needed used dies.

PM, it looks like my rifle components will be heading up to Dawson Creek as Jayce leaves this Thursday & likely will not be back. Net & I might head up again to pick up the rifle & maybe spend a few days :wink:
I would enjoy another day or to with you at the range & to listen too you at your service.

It is a long way from Mike's to my house but you would have a place to stay here too if you choose to come further west. I will be gone to visit family in early July other than that we should be here...... until hunting season :)
Thanks guys, not sure yet had the sewer problem repaired last week just a touch under 3,000.00:( we are hoping that the original company will pay us back they forgot to glue the sewer line into the the backflow valve. Owner was at our place when they found the problem with the line. He was very upset with me because he did not to get to do the warranty. I advised him that I gave him 3 weeks which included 4 phone calls 1 text. Finally a email advising him that if damage was caused by faulty workmanship I would be requesting reimbursement. Fifteen minutes after receiving the email he contacted me. By then the work was booked for the next day!!
