Fireforming brass

Al in SC

Sep 28, 2010
Anyone have experience with this: Any thoughts with pros and cons of this versus fire forming with actual loaded bullets?

I will start by loading about 10 grains of SR4756 or Unique into the case, and then I fill the case up to the body shoulder junction with Cream of Wheat. I will then take a large pinch of polyester filler, which can be found at any fabric supply store, or sewing department, such as at Wal-Mart. I will then take the pinch of polyester and load it into the case so that it fills up the shoulder area of the case effectively making sure that the filler is held securely over the powder for fire-forming. During the fire-forming, I like to dry brush with a nylon bore brush every 10 to 15 rounds. This removes any loose debris from filler that has accumulated. [Editors Note: Do NOT seat a bullet using this "Cream of Wheat" method. You can cap the case with a bit of wax to keep everything in place. However, Bob finds the wax is not necessary if the polyester filler is placed securely.]

I know many have done this for years but I prefer to use bullets. You want to make sure you have enough pressure to fully fire form the case to the chamber.

I form 6.5 gibbs brass like that, I remove the brake, prime charge with 11 gr unique, fill to the top with corn meal (less abrasive than COW) place finger on top of case neck and tap a couple times plug with toilet paper, paper towel or a 22 cleaning patch, pack the plug tight with a small punch.
keep muzzle pointed slightly down (keeps burnt cm out of the chamber and denting cases) , watch barrel heat (it'll get hot) clean well after fireforming.
shoulders should come out just slightly rounded.
Depends on the chamber and type of action for me, and how or what brass is used and how it fits prior to fireforming. 90 % of the time however I still prefer to load seated bullet into the lands however.
I have fireformed brass for my 308 and 22-250. In the case of the 308 I used a neck resizer to punch out the old primer.

For my 22-250 I have a competition die set. Is there a neck resizer for this die? If not how do I punch out the old primer without resizing the case? Or is there another method?

I am still trying to figure out the ins and outs of reloading, so forgive me if this question seems obvious.
C Broad Arrow":2mfc4eno said:
For my 22-250 I have a competition die set. Is there a neck resizer for this die? If not how do I punch out the old primer without resizing the case? Or is there another method?

You could always just use a universal decapping die. This would get rid of the primer problem. Scotty
C Broad Arrow":1sln6eh8 said:
I have fireformed brass for my 308 and 22-250. In the case of the 308 I used a neck resizer to punch out the old primer.

For my 22-250 I have a competition die set. Is there a neck resizer for this die? If not how do I punch out the old primer without resizing the case? Or is there another method?

I am still trying to figure out the ins and outs of reloading, so forgive me if this question seems obvious.
what caliber? 308 AI? 22-250AI? if not why bother fireforming? just wasteing barrel life
I use the cream of wheat method for my 243AI. It works to get the shoulders forward but does leave them kinda round.