First time shooter

truck driver

Ammo Smith
Mar 11, 2013
I took my 40year old daughter to the pistol club this morning after she came to me and asked me to teach her to shoot a handgun.
I asked her why she wanted to learn since it was the first time, she has ever showed an interest in shooting any gun.
She is a first responder and 911 dispatcher who has delt with some troublesome calls, she also has a neighbor who has been arrested twice for drugs, so I loaded up some 38spl and .45acp ammo to take to the range.
I started here out with a 1911 .22 Marvel conversion to ease her into the larger calibers and to familiarize her with the 1911 platform.
The .22 Marvel conversion is a great training tool since it converts any 1911 into a .22 rim fire pistol and is very accurate.
We had our PPC range set up for canceled carry training, so I started her out at 7yds on the B27 target.
After instructions on proper sight picture alignment, how the pistol operated and how to stand using a modified Weaver stance I had her load the pistol and proceed to shoot. I let her do it her way first and she surprised me by keeping all shots with in the 10/X ring. She was a little off balance, so I adjusted her stance and how she was holding the gun making for a more solid shooting stance and she reworded me with a nice tight group still in the 10/X ring. 50 shots of .22 ammo and she was read to move on to something bigger so out came the model 14 S&W 38spl. which has been set up to shoot EIC CMP matches. The grips were uncomfortable for her since she has small hands and was having trouble reaching the trigger but still wanted to give it a try so after some hold adjustment I had her on the trigger I showed her how to stage the trigger for a clean break and she fired her first shot double action which was a center of mass hit, the next five stayed in the middle bet were spread out so I showed her how to cock the hammer and shoot single action. First shot took the X out of the target and the next five were on a nice cluster but she didn't like the extreme light trigger pull and said it scared her when the pistol went off, so she went back to double action and was able to hold the 10 ring.
She was soon read to move on to the .45 and I warned her it wasn't easy to shoot since it took a strong grip to hold it and shoot it well.
I had loaded up some 185gr cast bullets over 4.5grs of Solo 1000 which is a nice target load but still with some recoil to work the action with a 12lb spring. Right off the bat she was having failure to cycle, and one piece of brass went down her back which got her attention quickly. I told her she was limp wristing the pistol and adjusted the way she was holding it; no more problems and the gun ran like it should, she also was cutting the 10/X ring with most of her shots and seemed to take naturally to shooting a handgun.
Moved her back to the 15yd line and she soon learned that it wasn't going to get easier and was shooting a little low like in the 9 ring with a few in the 8. Once she figured out where to hold the front sight, she was shooting groups again.
I didn't take but a few Factory loaded rounds with me so she could feel what the recoil was like compared to my reloads but the big gun was wearing her out so we packed up and came home with her target so she could show it to her husband.
All in all a good day and a happy shooter and instructor.
Sorry no pictures since I forgot to take my cell phone along.
Excellent report, Rodger. Glad you took the time to accustom her to the handgun before bringing out the full-house loads. It sounds as if she has some great instruction that builds on her natural hand-eye coordination. Next time, take your camera and/or your phone!
Excellent report, Rodger. Glad you took the time to accustom her to the handgun before bringing out the full-house loads. It sounds as if she has some great instruction that builds on her natural hand-eye coordination. Next time, take your camera and/or your phone!
Thanks Dr Mike she really surprised me by even asking me to teach her since she has been opposed to having a gun around her house though she grew up around them. I knew her reasons why and I respect her views on it.
I should have at least had my phone with me but I wanted full control of what was going on and to make sure she knew what and how to do it.
She enjoyed the range session, and I enjoyed teaching her.
I think our next get together will be shopping for her own handgun and it will be one that will fit her hands, either a small revolver or a 9mm or a 38 Super pistol.
Come to find out she took some pictures of her target for bragging rights so I can share them with you guys.
This young woman has never fired a gun in her life until today.
The targets are not numbered in shooting order since she started with the .22 and worked her way up to the .45.
Targets 2 and 3 have all three calibers on it and target #1 is the 15yd 45 target #4 is the first shots with the .22.


  • Kerri's target #2.jpg
    Kerri's target #2.jpg
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  • Kerri's target #3.jpg
    Kerri's target #3.jpg
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  • Kerri's target #4.jpg
    Kerri's target #4.jpg
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  • Kerri's target#1.jpg
    Kerri's target#1.jpg
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Nothing wrong with those targets, and especially since it was her first time. Congratulations for Kerri and for you taking time to get her accustomed to the handguns and teaching her how to handle them.
Nicely done Roger. Congratulations to your daughter on some great shooting!

Thanks for the comments, everyone.
With a little more work with a pistol of her choice I can see her getting a canceled carry permit in the near future.
Roger, my daughter is 41 and has been the same way, no interest till now. Not against firearms just no interest. She is a nurse for the Federal Bureau of Prisons just over a year and has to qualify with pistol, rifle and shotgun. We've been to the range couple of times, and she is doing pretty well. I hope this will inspire her to further her shooting. Dan.
Looks like she did rather well. Is she a left handed shooter? Just curious.

Good call starting her with the 22 ammo! Congrats on a successful first time shooter training session.

Regards, Guy
Looks like she did rather well. Is she a left handed shooter? Just curious.

Good call starting her with the 22 ammo! Congrats on a successful first time shooter training session.

Regards, Guy
Thanks Guy, she is right handed but I couldn't get her to line up straight with the target she kept moving to the right, next time I will make a box on the ground and make her stand in it so she is shooting straight on the target.
She also wears glasses, and the progressive bifocal wasn't centered in her right lenses.
There are things that need to be corrected but for the first session it was a learn and have fun trying out different types and caliber guns.
Looks to me like genetics might play a roll in her shooting as well. Pretty dog one good for a rookie.
What types of handguns do you think she would prefer for every day carry?
Right now she is shooting my guns 1911's and S&W K model revolvers and isn't sure what she wants. I'm thinking a medium size revolver or semi auto that doesn't beat her up when she shoots it.
Congratulations to you both. Excellent shooting for her first time out, she obviously has a good teacher.

I bought my wife a S&W M&P compact in 9mm after teaching her to shoot both revolvers and semi autos, but she didn't like it. She ended up with my short barrel Ruger LCR 38/357 and shoots it very well with 38+P or light 357's. The hammerless revolver worked well for her.
Thanks for the comments.
I'm going to let her decide but I think a revolver would be the way to go for her also, less things to go wrong and more dependable when you need it. I like my semi autos but then I have sent years getting to know them and all their quirks.