First time to a S.C. range

Sorry for your run of luck, Widgeon, but I can sympathize. I hunted an area of public land for several seasons before I learned it well enough to be on game. That was bowhunting for white-tails, but it's the same basic premise. Hogs are tougher to hunt than folks think - they're smart, have good eyes, ears, and noses, and are pretty far-ranging, surprisingly. Those tracks you saw were from hogs that could likely have been halfway into the next county by the next day. They keep moving because they don't leave much behind when they come through.

What I've found is that a couple of years of scouting and hunting will usually get you much closer to the various funnel points where you can reliably take game, year-in, year-out. And don't be fooled by the TV shows and talk on the internet of people seeing deer or hogs every time they go out. I hunt private property and see deer a good bit. That said, the last one I saw this past season that hadn't already been shot was back on the 11th of December. I hunted maybe 15 other days after that, half-days, full days, weekdays, weekend days, early, late, you name it. I saw four more deer - all in the beds of my hunting buddies' trucks! Some days it just is the way it is. In fact, I hunted a stand that one of my best friends and I set before the season, several times. Saw absolutely nothing any time I was in it. Interspersed in those days, another one of our guys hunted that stand and took two deer from it. One was a 140-class buck, and easily the biggest killed on the property in several years. Ugh!

Did you take the picture lying down? :grin: Hey, we're pulling for you. Will you be out again shortly? Or was this the sole kick at the cat?
Yeah, that is hunting. I guess if I truly had to provide meat for my family, we would wind up being vegetarians.

VEGETARIAN : Ancient Navajo word meaning... Bad Hunter :lol:

My apologies for the lay down photo. It was right side up prior to being uploaded. ???

As I said, it was still a great time and I consider myself very fortunate to be able to take off for a few days during the week in search of hogs.

A friend and I are going to try an evening hunt, sometime next week at another local WMA. The same place we went out for a rimfire hog hunt. :shock: In that area, a long shot would be about 75 yards, so I'm trying to decide between my .270win or '94 in .44 mag.