First time to the skeet range


Nov 28, 2018
I bought my wife and daughter a franchi affinity catalyst 20ga, to try and get them more into shotgunning. I came in earlier this week so we went to the range Saturday to try it out and also get the daughter some practice on her hunting rifle. The rilfe range was alot busier than i thought it would be for opening day of rifle season. But found a bay and shot the 22s, handful with the 20 being as they have only shot a shotgun a time or 2, and a few with her 2506 to remember what the trigger and kick was.
Then we moved over the the skeet range to try some moving targets. I couldn't even tell you the last time I shot clay birds and it showed. We took it easy and just set up on stations 6 and 7 by the low house and pretty much shot them flying away. I was really impressed how quick my daughter picked it up, probably 1 out of every 3, and boy the 17yo trash talk when I missed "no wonder you never bring any birds home when you go out" the wife had a grin the whole time. And when we ran out of shells the daughter asked if we had more 20ga shells at the house cause that was really fun. It made my whole day, and looking forward to doing it again soon. And seeing if she can miss wild birds just as easy as i can lol.
Skeet is a great sport and it is good to see that you have a daughter that is interested. I shoot 1 or 2 rounds a week at or "Sportsman's Club", which is just 1/2 mile from my home. It offers trap, skeet, 5-stand, .22 range, archery, and fishing. The facility is open to the public but what I'm seeing locally is that many parents aren't taking the time to introduce their children. I don't know if there is an intimidation factor toward more experienced shooters and archers but members are always will to help new comers, older or youth.
That's fantastic. Nice work Slim.
Skeet shooting is a blast. I started out on station 7 low house birds. Struggled with station 8 high house until I got it. Once I did get it, I rarely missed it.
Our club only offers Trap. This winter I'm going to start skeet shooting again at a different club.
Glad the women in your life are enjoying the shooting sports.

Sounds like a great day!
Better get a few flats and ensure you make the time to get to the range with your gals...who knows, you'll probably benefit too and mitigate that 17yo trash talk too! :cool:
Yes I'm already shopping around, was probably 10 years ago that i was shooting several rounds a week and needing to buy in bulk, geez how price's have gone up
Last month I found my daughter a Mossberg youth 20ga pump. Her boyfriend hunted ducks and geese with her but she lost interest this year. His 12ga shotguns were too big and didn’t fit her well. She did run a box of shells thru it at clays. Big boost in her confidence.
Good for you getting the family to the range and introduced to skeet shooting. Some take right to it enjoying the challenge others get intimidated. Just letting them try it without pressure as you did go a long way. Sounds like you have a new shooting pardner in the making. Dan.
Brings back memories. Must be about18 years ago now. We had a Gun Club before it was shut down here in Lewiston. My son started at 12 yrs old on the Skeet field. By 14 he took the Skeet Jrs Trophy home that year. I took the Skeet Doubles home. We always enjoyed Wed, Sat and Sunday shooting. It wasn’t as $$ back then. Boy we went through the flats of ammo. It sure taught him gun handling and follow through, well both of us. Fond memories!
Oh, skeet shooting can be addictive. I used to shoot registered skeet in the northeast, and I taught more than a few people to shoot. It always amazed me how fast young people can pick it up. When I took my young (probably about 16 y.o.) niece to a skeet range for the first time I was surprised at how well she did.

Wishing you and your family great success on the skeet field.