FL sizing ?


Dec 2, 2010
I FL size all of my 30-06 brass due to the fact that I shoot an M1 and get brass from my dad and friend after they fire factory loads. I found that some of them do not load well into my rifle. Some of them make closing the bolt very difficult. Am I using too much lube when sizing? What would cause brass that is FL sized to not load and unload easily. I just took 80 piece of brass (not loaded) and had 27 of them that were hard to load. They load, but I had to really push on the bolt handle. All pieces of brass have been case trimmed using a Lee case gauge and cutter.

Well, you have all kinds of possible problems here.

First and foremost, too much lube is NOT the problem. About the only problem that too much lube can cause is the appearance of shoulder dents when resizing. These are unsightly, but do not cause much problem.

When using cases that have been fired in any number of guns, like you are, you will find that the chambers on different guns can be vastly different. When you try to utilize brass fired in rifles other than you own you can run into these problems.

Being a scrounge myself, I can tell you that using brass fired in other people's rifles can cause any number of problems.

I imagine if you turn your die down a little in order to even furthur resize the brass will solve your problem.

If turning your die in a little more, even to the point of "camming over" when you full length resize does not solve your problem, you may have to purchase a small base full length resizing die to get the cases to freely chamber in your rifle.
I only have a Lee FL die so I don't think I can cam-over. I am wondering if I shoul pitch the brass that does not fit the rifle and only use brass that has been fired from my Ruger.
I measured the pieces that would fit and the ones that would not. They are all with in .003 of eachother. I think it has to do with the shoulder.
Like the others said, bump the shoulder a little more and you will be in business. Probably didn't get enough of the shoulder the first time and the M1's had a looser chamber than your Ruger. Easy day buddy. I would try to get them so they "just chamber" and brass life should be excellent. Scotty
Well the issue is fixed. I #1 went too fast while resizing or #2 did not have the die installed correctly.

Thanks guys.