Flash hole cerntering


Feb 14, 2007
Have you guys ever noticed flash holes that are not centered in the primer pocket? If so, did you notice any difference in the way they shot? Do you think it will make a difference? I'm thinking I'll mark it, shoot it, and see if it does something weird.

Any thoughts would be welcomed.
It is not uncommon for flash holes to be off centre. I've never witnessed any deficits in full ignition. It is not a concern to me. I do debur the flash holes, however.
Like most of the things that we worry about, for hunting and general shooting, flash hole misalignment makes no difference. I would say the same about weighing, the cases, neck turning and the like. If you need to exact every millimeter of accuracy, then they probably have merit. Most animals in the field will never know the difference. Just the ramblings of an old man.
Debur - the flame will find its way to the powder fast enough ! :grin: RJ
I get one once in a while and I always set them aside. Then one time I got a lot in a bunch of LC53 brass I had. I had accumulated 15 so I loaded them up and all 5 groups were in the .6 to .8 range. The gun will do much better than that at times but I couldn't complain!