Forster Bench Rest Re-sizing Die


Oct 21, 2004

First time I used a Forster Die. After re-sizing, I had to exert pressure to close the bolt on my TIKKA 7mm-08.

Returned the die. I think the die was a little long. I never had that problem using RCBS.

Anyone else ever run into a problem like that? The case "looked" good per a Wilson Case Gauge also.

Did you screw it down until it contacted the shell holder?

Most chambers today are on the snug side with reguard headspace from what I`ve seen. The die makers build the dies to be screwed down to contact and a 1/8 turn added in most brands, Forster included. You`re likely not bumping the shoulder back when sizeing.
Trying to part size can also cause this. When sizeing down the case body the brass has to go somewhere and will move the shoulder forward. The case can be trimmed to size but the shoulder to bolt lenght is still too long. It only takes a couple thousanths and you`ll feel the tightness, a easily measurable amount but not enough to readily see with the naked eye.
The expander ball may also be part of the problem. The cases should be lubed in the mouth to insure the ball passes through with little or no drag, if not it will pull the shoulder back out and cause the case to be over lengh and not want to fit. Thr Forster with its high rideing expander doesn`t give much feel to any drag. They are very easy to pull back out of the case because of the leverage in the press at the point they start to exit. and give no "feel" to the operation.
I`ve a few sets of Forsters and feel they are one of the best. I`m sure if you sent them to them they will check them out, repair any problem, and let you know what they found.
Thanks for the reply.

I did have the die making contact to the shell holder and added about 1/8" turn.

I believe your comment of a tight chamber is correct. The headspace is very tight on that rifle. I had to further turn the die about 1/2" in order to get the bolt to close. I stopped there and contacted FORSTER. They said that they would look at the die and believe it needs to be ground a little shorter.

Never ran into this before.

Yeah, I did, too, with a 7-08 sizing die. I had to send it back twice to get it shortened so that the die would even touch the shoulder. I think we moved it 0,007."

Hello Jaywalker,

Was it also a FORSTER Die? I just found out that mine has been ground down .003. I hope tht will be enough. I thnik I might get a RCBS resizing die just to have on hand. Not sure about this Forster.

Yeah, mine was a Forster, too, in 7-08. They couldn't believe it needed to be ground off as much as I asked, and so returned it to me with .003 off. Wasn't enough, and it went back again. (I'd been pretty sure how much off I needed, as I measured it with th eheadspace capability of the RCBS Precision Mic.)

I asked them to check their gauges, and they claimed to have, but I doubt it. This wasn't even close. They said this die was 18 months old, and if there'd been a problem, they would have heard about it by then.

Another odd thing about Forster dies (not related to your issue) is both sets I have from Midway came without the little rubber grommet and nut at the top of the seating stem. Could have gone missing from somewhere else after they shipped it, but I dunno...
