Found my limit


Apr 4, 2010
Yesterday I grabbed my 7 mm Mag for my second shoulder test. Prone at 300 yards, went as follows, first shot great, second shot a little pain, third shot, sharp pain on recoil. No damage and shoulder recovered without medication. It looks as though my 300 WM will set this season out. Its first time off since the fall of 1970. Group size was 2.85 and 12" low, which disturbed me because it was sighted in last year. I am not sure why. Another test will take place next week. I am still trying to reduce the group size using the 160 AB. Load was 71 gr. H-1000, RP cases and CCI mag primers.
...I'd go for a high sitting off the bag w/ a good cheek weld, free recoil, maybe even a sissy bag till you've got the rifle figured out. Nobody's watching, skip the 'macho' save the shoulder for more important stuff...
I'm sorry but also happy for you.

Sorry that your old friend won't be with you but happy you have the opportunity for new experience.


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Time for a Past Recoil Shield my friend! Get the one for Magnums and enjoy yourself, heck, you may even be handle your 300 with it on! I've used one for elephant guns ( I like to say that.."elephant gun"... 8) ha). Good luck to you
+1 on the PAST pad.
They really do work pretty well. (Wearing the PAST pad is kind of like riding a but I don't want anyone I know to see me on/with it :lol: )
I have no problem using a Past recoil pad. Too much hassle taking it on an off when switching from a .375 Taylor wildcat (7.5 pound rifle) to go to the 7x57 when playing at the range so once it goes on it stays on for the duration. Usually only use it when doing an all day shooting session.
Paul B.
Why not shoot your .308 Bill? or a muzzle brake? or a 6.5mm of some flavor? :evil: :lol: Something like a Tikka T-3 6.5x55 would be a nice light low recoiling gun. You could also switch to a 140 in the 7mm to drop the recoil a bit.
I have no problem using a Past recoil pad. Too much hassle taking it on an off when switching from a .375 Taylor wildcat (7.5 pound rifle) to go to the 7x57 when playing at the range so once it goes on it stays on for the duration. Usually only use it when doing an all day shooting session.
Paul B
Sorry Paul. I was just kidding around about being seen with the PAST pad :grin:
Gunner46":2n5v9jv7 said:
308 !! Did someone say .308 ?? I know I heard 308 somewhere.....

The old Elkman would need a gun bearer to carry that 308 of his around.

To be honest my world is a little out of sync thinking about Bill not carrying his old M70 300 Win Mag... :lol:
Thank you all for the great ideas. I have considered many of them my self, I still have a month to decide so I am some time. The 300 WM may need therapy however. :grin: :grin: :grin:
I'd strongly consider a Limbsaver recoil pad. They probably make one that replaces the factory pad. Now they have the "Air tech" which is supposed to be much better than the old one.
I put a Limbsaver on my 7mm Mag. last year because the factory pad had gotten hard. Best thing I've ever done to make a Mag. shootable. Can't say enough good things about those recoil pads.
Darkhorse":kctn0xow said:
I'd strongly consider a Limbsaver recoil pad. They probably make one that replaces the factory pad. Now they have the "Air tech" which is supposed to be much better than the old one.
I put a Limbsaver on my 7mm Mag. last year because the factory pad had gotten hard. Best thing I've ever done to make a Mag. shootable. Can't say enough good things about those recoil pads.
I concur.

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preacher":2mix0t0p said:
Time for a Past Recoil Shield my friend! Get the one for Magnums and enjoy yourself, heck, you may even be handle your 300 with it on! I've used one for elephant guns ( I like to say that.."elephant gun"... 8) ha). Good luck to you

+2 on the PAST recoil pad! I always wear it when I am testing loads or sighting in a rifle. I don't care who sees me! :mrgreen: Those things work and it allows me to do a bunch of shooting per session.

Thanks all for the great suggestions, I ordered a Past Recoil Shield this am. I felt this was the best option for a variety of reasons.
My .308 weighs 10+lbs, so carrying it would not be fun. My 7 mm has a HS-Precision stock which has the recoil pad glued to the stock so I would have to had to cut it off, and I was not prepared to take that on at this late date. I will be able to give an evaluation the shield late next week. Thanks all :grin: :grin:
One other option no one mentioned is a clamp on muzzle brake. I have considered this for my 300Wby which slaps me around pretty good but have not done so since I got the 35 Whelen.
Shoulder trouble myself. Forced to use a 12 Ga for deer. I use a ported barrel, Limbsaver Airtech (new to me) and "managed recoil" loads for practice. Don't discount a good Muzzle brake. The ones Ive tried have been VERY effective. And I shoot a lot with the 22. :) No down side to that. CL

Maybe this will help too... viewtopic.php?f=9&t=8869&hilit=most+memorable+shot
I will give another thumbs up for the limbsavers. I have a bad shoulder and they help quite a bit. As of yet, I will not let my surgeon touch my shoulder. I have seen too many people have more problems after surgery because it is hard getting appropriate physical therapy afterwards unless you are a high dollar athlete. Hope your shoulder continues to heal and you get back to the 300 WM soon.