gamble rifle.-


Jun 21, 2007
I saw this Remy770 today at the shooting range,
I think he like Las Vegas hihi
Wonder if he's aware of the irony? It's certainly a dice roll every time you shoot one of those POS disposable rifles...
for sure, the worst rifles i ever seen, even the mossbergs are better.
its the saturday special of rifles.
Good rifles are like fine china. They deserve to be displayed lovingly in a glass-fronted case and when handled, should be wiped down carefully before being put back. The 710/770 series from Remington? That's a store-brand paper plate...
What is that thing stuck on the scope?

"The store bought paper plate"...I like that analogy.

I've always though price shouldn't be of any great concern on an item designed to last generations...apparently I'm in the minority on that point.

To think- with what he's spent on accessories he could have had something really decent off the used rack...
the scope its topped with a light, and you didnt see
the tripod intalled on the barrel!!!!
for sure there are people for everything.......
Interesting look for sure.

If the shooter is a high roller and the gun does not shoot, I'd call it a crap shoot. :mrgreen:

So then by extension, Jim, if he shoots a two hole group, it's "snake eyes" and a three hole group is "cock eyes?" Of course, I'm betting he'll get more like "boxcars" for groups. But, reality is, I bet the point is lost on him...
dubyam":3dlqe9k7 said:
So then by extension, Jim, if he shoots a two hole group, it's "snake eyes" and a three hole group is "cock eyes?" Of course, I'm betting he'll get more like "boxcars" for groups. But, reality is, I bet the point is lost on him...

Like spades buddy. :mrgreen:

can't decide if that's cool or tacky. Leaning towards tacky. At least he didn't do that to a Sako or Mauser or something good.

Saw a pre-64 Win mod 70 .270 with a black plastic stock and a "tactical" bolt handle poorly welded on this fall (hope they used a heat sink). Setup was topped off with a Tasco Hubble telescope mounted way too high.
Gimmicks have never excited me. It makes me think the owner doesn't know how to shoot and wants to display his artistry, even though he understands neither the canvas on which he is working nor the supplies he has at his disposal.
One of those rifles any place besides behind the seat of a truck is a waste. Actually, thats a waste too. Ford, Dodge and Chevy already make a fine tire iron. My luck the thing probably shoots bug holes. Shouldnt dis- the guy. To each his own. CL
I guess I better check the new Pep Boy's catalog. It looks like they've expanded their line. :shock: