Getting a scope level?


Dec 2, 2010
I put my scope on my 6mmBR today and had some issues getting it leveled. I have the Wheeler kit with the two levels but after getting the scope mounted and level, I looked through it and it was not perfect. I took the levels and set them on a 2 foot level and found that one of them was off a little. I played with it for an hour before I got it to where I think it is good. What do you do to get it perfect?
I'm a little old school in that I place the rifle In a padded vise and use a machinist square with level and square and level the stocked action in the vise. Then I place the scope in the rings attached to the rifle with the rings tightened just enough to allow me to turn the scope. I take off the top turret cap and place the square on the top of the turret so it is square with the scope and turn the scope in the rings until it is level and then torque the ring screws and check to make sure the scope doesn't turn in the rings while tightening.
I also check my square against a four foot level which is more accurate than a two foot level.
I hope this helps. I'm sure there are other ways just the way I was taught by an old machinist.
if your dialing elevation , or using a BDC type reticle your scope needs to be set up to track true to your rifle bore . if the reticle is not true as you dial you will change windage , and as you use a lower aim point on a BDC reticle you will change windage . here is an article that explains how to set up your scope true to bore . ... larity.php
I use the Wheeler Level-Level-Level and it has worked great.

I do as JD does, OR if you have a Redfield target, tape it (leveled) to the wall in your gun room. Then level your rifle with the Caldwell receiver level, continue turning the scope until the x-hairs are level on the Redfield target, tighten scope-ring screws carefully and you're good to go!
I use the same one FOTIS mentioned. Seems much better than the other Wheeler one.
jimbires":3f2w7lo6 said:
if your dialing elevation , or using a BDC type reticle your scope needs to be set up to track true to your rifle bore . if the reticle is not true as you dial you will change windage , and as you use a lower aim point on a BDC reticle you will change windage . here is an article that explains how to set up your scope true to bore . ... larity.php
That is an interesting read.
I take my LR rig to Charley at Score High and he does a pretty good job as he is a long range comp shooter himself ! 50.00$ for a quality install I could not resist plus he ran a worksheet which I understand a little better now ! I have my own system to setup using a bunch of levels and it works ok as well but Charley's install is more precise! :grin:
Best I've ever found is to get the rifle level in a cradle. I use a good level, one of several depending on the rifle configuration. Either across the action opening or across the rear bridge or scope mount. None of these is absolutely foolproof, though, as all are subject to tolerances and machining differences. Once you get the rifle level (I have a good eye for level, too, so that helps), I hang a plumb line about 30' away (long hallway and through a door to the opposite wall in the room at the end...) and true the scope to the plumb line. Gravity is the best level in the world. It's pretty easy to verify at the range, too.

Be careful how you tighten the scope rings, too, after you level the scope. A little bit of tightening on one side, then the other, will keep the scope level. Tighten one side too far and the rings will actually rotate the scope tube and you'll be off-kilter.
wisconsinteacher":1srhj1b5 said:
It is the kit with 2 levels. One for on top of the turret and one for on a rail/action.

That kit is junk! I tried to use it once, and it ended up in the garbage. I usually level the action, with my machinists level, carefully lock it in my gun vise, mount scope and level, then torque everything down.
Many ways to do it I use levels and a fence line a quarter mile away you definitely know if your close.
This is what I do and it always turns out right

EXD Device ... &ksubmit=y


tested level


put the vees on the scope and barrel and adjust so no movement


put your gun in a padded vise aimed out the door or window to a distant horizontal or vertical object. I use a 4' level on a fence out in the yard but a plumb bob on a heavy string or edge of a distant building will work.

Rotate the gun in the vise until EXD level, rotate scope till reticle is level with distant object and lock it down

What the EXD does is align the bore and the scope in a verticle plane

Turrets can be off, small levels are inaccurate

Since doing it this way I have never gone to the range, benched the gun and thought "this reticle is a little off" (like used to happen)

Good time to install a ScopLevel or other product that will allow you to duplicate the rifle's uncanted position in the field or on the bench. I prefer the ScopLevel which folds down out of the way when not in use but can still be seen without losing your cheek weld ... 12377.aspx



Man, I dig that set up Woods. Scope leveling is about like finding Bigfoot around my place some days. I have tried just about everything.. I like that set up you have a bunch.
Really you want 3 things

1. Rifle bore and scope centerline aligned vertically
2. Scope reticle level when you pull the trigger
3. Be able to duplicate #1 & 2 in the field or the bench

Now this does not guarantee that your scope elevation
adjustments will absolutely track vertically which is what you confirm with POI vertical track at the range. I would guess that
it is unusual for a scope not to do this

The turrets can not be trusted to be level with the internal reticle and even action raceways can be questionable
