Getting hard to hide.


Mar 6, 2017
News today is that Pelosi tested positive for covid. Made me think and I'm sure I'm forgetting a few from recently, but Jen Psaki (twice now) Kamilla Harris's husband, the attorney general Merrick Garland, Obama, the defense secretary Lloyd Austin, and several others in Biden's cabinet and staff. All recently, and all vaccinated. Be safe to say most if not all are boosted. But, but, but, this was/is, a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Biden said so.

I was against the vaccine from the beginning and have only dug my heels in harder the more I learned. It's been corrupted from all directions. Anybody disagrees you're welcome to your own opinion for yourself, but that trash isn't going in my arm, period.

The news today reminded me of this poster I had seen and agree with.

Yeah, but they all say that their COVID is milder because they had shots and boosters! If we'd just listen to our betters, we'd all be...o_O

It came through this area pretty hard late last fall. My 83 & 84 yr old unvaccinated parents both got it in November. They were already taking vitamin D, C, zinc, etc. Upped the dosages after they got sick and tested positive. Both ran a fever and Dad got it pretty bad in his chest but a week later he said he was almost back to 100%. Mom wasn't as acute, but hers drug out a little longer. Both bounced back very quickly.

Several people died and a couple you could understand it with their age and previous conditions. A bad case of the flu would've done them in, and maybe it was the flu.......disappeared you know once covid came on the scene. o_O Do not know whether they were vaccinated or not.

The one person in the area that died was well known and a shocker. Younger than me. Fully vaccinated. That, I do know as a fact.

My wife and I both got sick since this all started. Not bad, and might of had it, who knows? Didn't get tested. I took it as the same sinus infection I've gotten at times ever since I was a kid.
Oh, and when my parents had it, my wife and I went over there every day to get anything for them they needed, check oxygen levels and temperatures, clean up tissue waste cans to keep things sanitary, etc.

Never gave it a second thought. Told my wife the only difference is we know they have it. We were both standing next to people all the time in stores, wherever, that maybe wasn't feeling 100% that day. Couple days later they really weren't feeling good........go get tested, they got covid. Impossible not to have been in that situation many, many, times over in the last 2 yrs.
My wife and I both tested positive for the Wuhan Flu. She had her shots, I didn't. Not great fun, but I've had worse bouts of influenza. I'm not making fun of COVID, but I am prepared to ridicule the politicians who are intent on stripping freedoms rather than deal with the reality of the situation. 'Nuff said.
My wife and I both tested positive for the Wuhan Flu. She had her shots, I didn't. Not great fun, but I've had worse bouts of influenza. I'm not making fun of COVID, but I am prepared to ridicule the politicians who are intent on stripping freedoms rather than deal with the reality of the situation. 'Nuff said.

Yep, the politicians and hopefully there is a whole lot of people that will be a whole lot more skeptical and wiser down the road. I will bet that there is another round of fear peddling and doomsday scenarios coming.

This was far too easy to control entire populations and far too much money being made to just turn off the spicket and quit.
Psaki said yesterday that when Pelosi kissed Biden on the cheek, that wasn't "close contact", it's defined as 15 minutes of proximity of less than 6 feet...So all this time we could have been huggin', smoochin', and whatever else ,so long as it didn't go on for 15 minutes,,:D:mad:
Well shucks.

I’m thinking anyone that wants to kiss Pelosi deserves Covid. Hope they smooch and hug for at least an hour.

Why should we stand in the way of their getting a lip lock on? 😁
My grandparents both had Covid. My Grampa is 75 and he was out for two days then feeling better. My Gramma was not well for a week then felt fine. Could have been the flu for all they cared, and for all we know maybe it was. Neither of them are vaxed and thank goodness they aren't. They were wise enough to look into this "vaccination."
Well shucks.

I’m thinking anyone that wants to kiss Pelosi deserves Covid. Hope they smooch and hug for at least an hour.

Why should we stand in the way of their getting a lip lock on? 😁
'Tis a vile thing that you have done, Vince. Compelling innocent readers to visualize what should never be seen!:(
I think we could find hundreds of pros and cons on both sides. My wife and I chose to get vaccinated and are not regretting it. Many of our neighbors have had COVID and none died. One developed pneumonia with it and has been two months trying to recover. He is having a lot of problems trying to get his oxygen levels to stay up. Everyone who contracts COVID isn't going to die or suffer long-lasting affects, but seeing him it is no joke.