Getting Ready for Elk Season

I know, I know... I need to start saving up for optics and hunting. I have enough rifles for this year.. :grin:
SJB358":2wseyrfp said:
It works well enough that I'd like one of the same, as a lightweight rifle. That or a 280 Remington have alot of appeal in that regard.

It is pleasurable beyond comprehension to handle a fine 7 Mauser or a 280 Remington. I like the 7mm rifles, and these are two that stand out in my estimate. I worked up a load a couple of years ago for a beat-up old Mauser. The owner settled on 160 grain Partitions (he had been shooting 175 grain Sierras). That old rifle shot 0.25 inch groups and had accounted for a moose every season for many years. Course, the owner was a hunter and chose his shot to ensure a quick death for the quarry. I determined then that I needed to secure a 7mm Mauser to complement my .280's.
I'm with you Mike. The 7mm's do work very nicely and have for me over the years. I actually have a bigger 7 on the agenda in the future, but for some reason, the 7's always pique my interest.
You're getting a fine collection of 7's around your place, Scotty. Brandon does appear to be doing justice to his rifle/cartridge. With just a bit of opportunity, that preparation will result in success.
It's tough, cause I can't hardly run across a 7mm I don't like.

I believe right now I have enough to work with for the time being. I have a thought right now to change up my old M70 XTR 7mm Rem Mag, but I haven't done much beyond think it through.
That is what I should do? I have a custom Mauser 7mm Rem Mag which I do not shoot as much as the other rifles any more. This rifle is really well stocked and would get much more use, certainly, as a 7x57mm. I have been thinking about that for awhile but the bolt conversion has stopped me so far.
Oldtrader3":168kamo2 said:
That is what I should do? I have a custom Mauser 7mm Rem Mag which I do not shoot as much as the other rifles any more. This rifle is really well stocked and would get much more use, certainly, as a 7x57mm. I have been thinking about that for awhile but the bolt conversion has stopped me so far.

That would be pretty cool Charlie. Although, them little 7x57 Featherweights Winchester is putting out wouldn't be a bad addition either.

Your 7mm Rem Mag is beautiful, the wood is beautiful!
Oldtrader3":26vx4tx5 said:
Scotty, maybe one of these days, if I don't get too old first?

Without a doubt Charlie. ColColt got a nice one. Everytime I see one of them, it makes me shiver a little. I really think a guy couldn't do much better for alot of deer hunting than a well loaded 7x57.. I know there are faster and bigger, but the overall combo holds alot of good in my eyes.

Hoping Mike will give his a spin this Fall for us. It'll be cool to see that itty bitty Featherweight laid over a moose or elk.. :grin:
SJB358":31kqru0r said:
Hoping Mike will give his a spin this Fall for us. It'll be cool to see that itty bitty Featherweight laid over a moose or elk.. :grin:

My dilemma is that I have a plethora or rifles that need to tag out this fall. The challenges that loom before me are massive; but I'll try my best. :grin:
DrMike":2agrmobz said:
SJB358":2agrmobz said:
Hoping Mike will give his a spin this Fall for us. It'll be cool to see that itty bitty Featherweight laid over a moose or elk.. :grin:

My dilemma is that I have a plethora or rifles that need to tag out this fall. The challenges that loom before me are massive; but I'll try my best. :grin:

Yup, I know the feeling.. I guess that means we need to hunt more? :lol:
SJB358":3eg2db22 said:
DrMike":3eg2db22 said:
SJB358":3eg2db22 said:
Hoping Mike will give his a spin this Fall for us. It'll be cool to see that itty bitty Featherweight laid over a moose or elk.. :grin:

My dilemma is that I have a plethora or rifles that need to tag out this fall. The challenges that loom before me are massive; but I'll try my best. :grin:

Yup, I know the feeling.. I guess that means we need to hunt more? :lol:

I like your thinking. You're bang on, Scotty.
That young Marine named Scotty sure comes up with some great ideas. I believe that I could really get into getting out at least 4 times a week to hunt say from September 15th to December 20th that way you could rest up for 5 days before Christmas :mrgreen:! My wife states now that she is a hunting widow during that period of time :lol:.

Tom let me borrow a Turner Sling for the season. I am thinking I am probably really going to like this sling alot. It is rock solid slung up and is very high quality. I threw it on my old 7mm Rem Mag and got on the ground yesterday.

I wanted to shoot more but the heat was getting a little too much at noon time, so I shot 6 shots in order to start dialing in the old M8 4X Leupold at 200 yards.

I made an adjustment on the old friction dials and shot the next three.

It was a little tough to get a great sight picture on the targets, so I was just aiming for center of the paper. GREAT fun and the sling is a KEEPER!

Anyhow, wondering how many of you get on the turf and shoot the big game rifles and how you do it?

It did bring back flashbacks of tight slings on the arms and rocks in my elbows while proned out, but man, I think it should help a TON for hunting.
That'll do, Scotty. I use a plain sling on my rifles just so I can use it to steady myself should I need to do so. Otherwise, I'll use a tree, a rock, etc. for steadiness.
It'll get better Mike. Just getting the sling right for me, so I am still adjusting.

The good part is the Newton and 7mm Rem Mag share the same stock so I can swap the sling between the two of them without adjustment.
SJB358":1efhiy0d said:
It was a little tough to get a great sight picture on the targets, so I was just aiming for center of the paper. GREAT fun and the sling is a KEEPER!

Anyhow, wondering how many of you get on the turf and shoot the big game rifles and how you do it?

It did bring back flashbacks of tight slings on the arms and rocks in my elbows while proned out, but man, I think it should help a TON for hunting.

...around here, "Very Carefully", if yer not paying attention & flop down prone to make a shot, there's a good chance you'll be wearing a patch of prickly pear back into camp. I'm pretty happy I've got a number of rifles that will shoot MOA or better to 600yds. & a place to shoot 'em that far, but to be honest, I'm a lot more comfortable w/ 300yds., & really prefer 200yds. or less. Since I have to adhere to the KISS Principle, I skip the bipod & fancy slings, & make do w/ a hasty sling & whatever might come to hand as a shooting support...
Makes sense Gene. I get what your saying for sure. Country dictates what works and the hasty sling is a very good tool as well.
That Turner isn't a "fancy" sling, it's a proper rifle sling! :grin:

Good on ya Scotty. My favorite way to shoot a rifle, all snugged up with the sling. Strive for 2 MOA from prone. You'll be amazed at how well you can shoot from sitting, with the sling for support as well. Standing? That's up to you... :grin:

People here are used to seeing those good old military-style leather slings on my rifles. Love 'em. What a great shooting aid, and it's already right there on the rifle. Not some hideous extra appendage with big legs hanging off an otherwise graceful rifle stock...

Enjoy that sling work Scotty, and remember it's not something usually mastered in one trip to the range.

Regards, Guy