Glad this forum is still here...and good to be back...couple of questions as well...thx


Dec 24, 2011
I've been away for a while. My wife and I unexpectedly had a child 2 years youngest from a first marriage just turned 24 and I have two others at 26 and 29...and now this little crazy guy at 2 years old. I was making it a point to not miss out on anything in his first two years.

None the less my 24 year old started talking about guns, ammo and reloading and right back in it here I come.

The other day I loaded a bunch of AR stuff and was like damn it...this is my last 200 #41 primers. I got on the internet and started shopping much to no avail.
I must say a lot has changed over the last couple of years. Components are a real bitch to obtain. Primers...what on earth is going on there. I've heard so many stories about primers and or lack of them and the why....
who knows what the hell is going on.
Perhaps someone can shed some light to me on here on that subject.

on the #41 primer issue I couldn't find any but I pulled a container out from under the reloading bench and thought damn this thing is heavy what is in here.
I had 500 30 cal Hornady FMJ/BT 150 gr and 1000 22 cal Hornady 55 gr FMJBT

under some bags of unfired brass low and behold I found not one, not two but three thousand #41 primers just screaming YOU GOT LUCKY !!!
It was like winning the lotto ... is that pathetic to think finding primers is just as good as winning the lottery?

I haven't nosed around much yet for bullets but are they as bad?

Also I have noticed Nosler dropped the Ballistic Silver tip bullets under the 25 cal...

Unless this is just temporary????

I use that bullet in everything minus AR's...they shoot great and I found the black coating to help tremendously in keeping fouling to a minimum.

There's a few questions maybe some can answer on here...

THanks and have a most glorious evening!
Congratulations on the birth of your son. (y)

The short answer to all your wonderings is that about the same 2 years ago there was a stolen takeover of power. A man known first hand in some circles as Mr. poopy pants is now running the show. Everything else has followed suit.
Welcome back and congratulations on your new addition!

Plus 1 to what ShadeTree said.
I don't disagree, but components got hard to find when the virus hit and production shut down along with money being sent out by the Gov. Extra money to buy up whatever was available. Combined with record gun sales and the need to feed them, manufacturers focused on producing ammo in popular chamberings. They weren't and still aren't prioritizing making components available. No fan of the current "King" here...
Congratulations on the birth of your son. (y)

The short answer to all your wonderings is that about the same 2 years ago there was a stolen takeover of power. A man known first hand in some circles as Mr. poopy pants is now running the show. Everything else has followed suit.
This ^^^^^^
and congrats!
I don't disagree, but components got hard to find when the virus hit and production shut down along with money being sent out by the Gov. Extra money to buy up whatever was available. Combined with record gun sales and the need to feed them, manufacturers focused on producing ammo in popular chamberings. They weren't and still aren't prioritizing making components available. No fan of the current "King" here...
I'm in business here and I seen it in my industry...however it's not quite as desolate as I'm finding reloading components to be.

I was in the gun industry during the 94 crime bill and all the primer shelf life rumor bullshit and it still wasn't as bad as I'm seeing the component shortage right now