Well said!I think maybe that there is some misunderstanding here. It sounds as if the OP is concerned by Trump's policies, and someone PM'd him to express their own concerns. At least, that's the way I read it.
OP, while it's certainly your choice of where you spend your time, I would encourage you to remain here and ignore the political forum. The US electorate is broadly divided into Democrats, Republicans, and Independents, roughly 1/3 each. Neither party can win a national election without the Independent voters, and they shift depending on who is on the ticket. Personally, I tend to keep my politics to myself or discuss them with like-minded individuals, I'm not much for debate and arguing. At the same time, I try very hard to not define anyone by who they choose to vote for.
Back in the day, I put on a uniform and swore an oath to support and defend our Constitution. Part of that means that I support every citizen's right to vote for the candidate and party of their choice, even if I totally disagree with them. Case in point: I have been a conservative Republican since first voting for Reagan back in 1984. Yet a few years ago, one of my kids was a volunteer for the Bernie Sanders campaign. And that's ok...I didn't love them any less. As the great Winston Churchill once said, "If you aren't a liberal by the age of 18, you have no heart. And if you're not a conservative by the age of 30, you have no brain." It's ok that we don't all think alike.
Stick around, enjoy the shooting, and leave the politics for others. Just my .02.