Good bye

I think maybe that there is some misunderstanding here. It sounds as if the OP is concerned by Trump's policies, and someone PM'd him to express their own concerns. At least, that's the way I read it.

OP, while it's certainly your choice of where you spend your time, I would encourage you to remain here and ignore the political forum. The US electorate is broadly divided into Democrats, Republicans, and Independents, roughly 1/3 each. Neither party can win a national election without the Independent voters, and they shift depending on who is on the ticket. Personally, I tend to keep my politics to myself or discuss them with like-minded individuals, I'm not much for debate and arguing. At the same time, I try very hard to not define anyone by who they choose to vote for.

Back in the day, I put on a uniform and swore an oath to support and defend our Constitution. Part of that means that I support every citizen's right to vote for the candidate and party of their choice, even if I totally disagree with them. Case in point: I have been a conservative Republican since first voting for Reagan back in 1984. Yet a few years ago, one of my kids was a volunteer for the Bernie Sanders campaign. And that's ok...I didn't love them any less. As the great Winston Churchill once said, "If you aren't a liberal by the age of 18, you have no heart. And if you're not a conservative by the age of 30, you have no brain." It's ok that we don't all think alike.

Stick around, enjoy the shooting, and leave the politics for others. Just my .02.

Well said!
This thread has stirred the spectrum of views and beliefs, and in some cases, polarizing rhetoric. We aren't all going to agree with each other, but we sure should be considerate and respectful of all views. I find worth in knowing where others stand on key issues. This helps with finding common ground and allows for prosperity and problem solving. I was raised under the belief the "United we Stand, Divided we Fall". In 2025, I think we need a little of this more than ever.

I would also add that this should not be an American view, but a view that humanity should look into. We all benefit when wars aren't raging across the planet. That being said, sometimes problems need to be addressed.
I wish you all the best hunting and shooting, but I found out that my political beliefs are mostly not met here.
You will have your reasons, your local views and that is ok. I don't judge.
I hope you have a wonderful future with your CIC and I honestly hope that we will never have to look at each other down the barrel.


PS: Thanks for taking down the Nazis. This is not forgotten over here
At least you weren't banned for having an opinion. I got banned on another reloading forum for linking what i thought was a valuable article about the Covid Vaccine early in the pandemic. Pretty far a field from debating which gas check is best I imagine.

In some places I have lived, fighting (as in bar fights) was considered recreation. Seems today the internet in places provides similar. But not everyplace on the internet is this a custom. It must be especially hard if people from different countries are interacting what with the added communication challenges.

A couple of times now, just when I start losing my temper over someone's opinion, I come to find out they have exceptionally hard life challenges going on. Takes all the steam out.

(Old joke about first walking a mile in someone else's shoes---then you're a mile away and you have their shoes.)
IMO-When we all think the same and give up our personal dignity and compassion for other views, we have lost everything worth living for. America is far from perfect, but I still love my Country and am proud to be an American. I don't invest energy in political titles that polarize our republic and sabotage democracy, and do invest time in healthy conversation that produces effective outcomes.
Historical facts below show America's deadliest two wars, and it's not WW2. Praying American history doesn't repeat...

War (and years of U.S. military involvement)Number of fatalities
American Civil War (1861-1865)620,000
World War II (1939-1945)405,399
Why is there even a "politics" section? IMO, have the Nosler Admins delete it. If people want to talk politics, the go to Facebook or some other forum for that.
I wholeheartedly second this..this a is hunting/shooting/reloading forum, and I am here for this reason only.(y)
We have enough strife with the antigun/antihunting crowd, and we are a group of likeminded individuals here to support our passion and pastime, and find that camaraderie amongst our respected peers here, for this purpose.

Political stuff can be had on forums for that purpose; I support their right to their opinions and beliefs, even if it isn't in alignment with mine. Just as I hope that they would afford us the same respect, even though there are many who don't/won't. Those who have been proven to be disrespectful have been removed from this site with regularity and promptness, for which I am extremely grateful of, and for our Moderators! (But if these individuals are not reported to our moderators, the moderators cannot be effective in this regard.)

I just won't participate in those political debates here!
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I’d ask yourself what brought you here in the first place, and stay for that reason!?!

I hate politics, I don’t trust politicians, I don’t believe that the Government should be allowed to be involved in everything…. It’s The most wasteful use of money, resources and time that was ever put on Earth. They can’t make money on their own, they can only collect it from those that do! Which is why we’re in debt in the trillions of dollars!

That’s why I don’t vote! I am baffled by their stupidity and ignorance and see no reason for their actions to change? But maybe big government will be reduced to helping reducing our debt.

That said, we are all different people, and how we think, what we like and choose to do with our lives.

My own opinions are a mix of new ideas and old school beliefs. Just because I can’t make a certain bullet shoot doesn’t make me a bad shooter, or that doesn’t know how to hand load.

Now I’ve been told that only once before and in fact it was on here, but that never left me thinking that I should stop coming here for help, ideally to help me get the most out of my equipment and to make me a better hand loader. Which is what this place is all about.

Sure, I can even sell something that I no longer need or want, which is a bonus.

Perhaps you could remove some of the dust in your eyes for the time being, and then hopefully you’ll see the sunshine rises up again….. And bring your mind to a better place and make you at ease with what a new day has to offer!?!