Got a rare 45-70

DrMike":15gttrp9 said:
I am pretty excited to try mine out...

Whoa! Hold on! Stop the Press! You have a Model 94 in 444 Marlin? Scotty, are you holding out on us? Hoo, boy, that is not like you!

Yeah what he said!!!! :shock:
No, I have a M444 Marlin. Not the M94. I found a really nice M94 444 in my homestate of NY, but I didn't jump fast enough and lost out on it. It was very nice though. I think the Marlin will be good though. I like the M94 and Marlins. Both of them seem to shoot well enough for me.
Whew, I'm greatly relieved, Scotty. For a moment, I grew faint and thought I'd have to get out the smelling salts.
That Marlin is very attractive, no doubt. Unfortunately, the Model 94 in that configuration has the wart on its side.