Got it Done, WOHOOOO!

Desert Fox

Aug 14, 2006
2012 Southern California Long Range Championship
Desert Marksmen Rifle and Pistol Club (
October 27 & 28, 2012
Match Logo & T-shirt $50.00 Championship Match Cost
This is a 2-Day Match Competition with a 600 Yard Zombie Night Match shooting from the bench on Saturday night, along with a 1000 Yard Match shooting from the prone on Sunday morning. All shooters will receive a 2012 Championship T-Shirt. You must compete in both Matches to be eligible for the Championship title and prizes. A shooter may shoot only one Match and still be eligible for certificate and prizes for that Match. Combined points from both Matches will decide the 2012 Championship with additional Championship certificate and prizes.
You may camp at the range the night of the 27th or stay in Palmdale at one of the many hotels or motels about 8 miles from the range (on Palmdale Blvd).
Voodoo Tactical and a host of other exhibitors sponsor the event. There are prizes for the winners and every shooter that participates. Exhibitors will be there displaying their gear with samples. A Savage Precision Rifle will be raffled off to shooters after each Match. Shooters must be present for the raffle to win. Dinner is provided on Saturday and lunch on Sunday.
I take it you and your good lady are entered, Rommel? Best of luck to you! I'll be there vicariously through your posts.
Between me and my wife, It will be these three.

308 Winchester
6.5-47 Lapua
338 Lapua Ackley Improved

Thanks Guys. This will be fun. All ammo for practice and competition were loaded.

Wish I could go! Sounds like a blast! I really like your fill on that McMillan, mind sharing what your colors/ratios were?

Good luck in the match!
.300winmag":3p62ip9j said:
Wish I could go! Sounds like a blast! I really like your fill on that McMillan, mind sharing what your colors/ratios were?

Good luck in the match!

Not sure what the ratio is but you can see it here.


Well Guys, my wife did not fare well but I won the championship. :)

Here are the loot.


Here's the target and award certificate. Story will come later. I'm so tired.




Congratulations, Rommel! That is great. I think it is amazing how well your wife is doing, even though she didn't win this time. She is competing, and that is great. Congratulations, again.
Thanks Guys. It was fun. The mrs. did not fare well but she still enjoyed the match since her other half won the championship.
It was a fun filled weekend. The 600 yards Zombie shoot was chosen for this venue to celebrate halloween. The target was a life size zombie. Each shooter will have 20 rounds to shoot at the zombie. You can maximized your score by aiming at the head for 20 possible point inside the circle. If you missed the circle and hit anywhere in the head, it will only get you a point. The torso has 10 and 5 points circle.

There were 5 relays all together. I was on the 4th, and the wife was on the 5th and final relay. At the start of the shoot, I sent my wife to the pit to help with the scoring, while I remained in the first relay to assist my friend, who came down from Sacramento for his first shoot ever. Midway through the match, my wife came back from pit duty with a very encouraging report. She told me that no one broke through the 200 points because most went for the head for maximum point. I asked my wife who has the highest score. She told me it was Matt T. That did not surprised me. Matt is one of the premier shooter at the Desert Marksman with several championship notches in his belt. In short, he is the guy to beat. Matt score was 175. I also asked my wife for the score of the Harris brother ( last year champion). My wife told me that they're behind Matt. "Good job Honey" I said and gave her a kiss.

This changed my strategy a bit. I don't need to get maximum point by shooting the head. I can be conservative a bit by shooting only at the torso and get 200 points max and then let my 338 Lapua do the talking the next morning at the 1K shoot.

I fired the first 18 shot with my 308 and felt good about it, even though I had no way of knowing how I did since the hit was not being broadcast. I decided to fire the two remaining 178 grain A-Max to the head in the hopes of getting more points. After the 19th shot however, I changed my mind and decided to shoot the remaining bullet to the torso. I just thought I'd better not waste 10 points because that could be the difference between winning or losing. It turned out that the 19th shot hit the zombie squared in the forehead and earned me 20 points. That shot made the difference on the final outcome later on.

After the shoot the winners was announced and I was surprised to hear my name called as the winner with a score of 190. What was surprising was a 15 year old girl shooting her Dad's 308. She snuck by Matt T and took second place with 185 points.

My wife and I went back to our hotel room for the night and full of confidence of my chances winning the championship the next day. I figured, I can afford to give up 14 points to Matt T and still be able to win the championship. He was the only person within a striking distance to beat me. To do that he has to clean the course. All I needed was to score 186 and the championship is mine. I totally discounted the 15 year old with a 308. I figured, she doesn't stand a chance with the condition being what it was with wind gusting between 4 to 8 miles an hour.

Big mistake.

She was shooting on the same relay with me. I told my wife to watch what she was doing because I only have 5 points on her. She can be problematic later on. Half way through my shoot my wife told me "you better pick it up, she is on to you" "Damn it" I said.

But in the end, I did not gave up any point from her but lost a point to Matt T. I did not win the back to back shoot but the championship was mine. I scored 196. Matt score was 197 and the 15 year old scored 196. Matt score did not even won the 1k shoot. The 3rd place finisher score was 198 and the first and 2nd scored 199 respectively, out of possible 200 points. My buddy Frank posted his best score ever at 192 and that did not even make it to the top 10. What that tells you. :eek:
Great shooting DF!! If I ever get back to Camp Pendleton, we are going to do some shooting buddy!