got my mulie

30 whisper

Dec 13, 2006
I got my mulie on the 21 of oct 4x2 I hike 5km in snow up to my knees only to see a good view. I then came back to truck drove of the mountain and in the bottom by some big fields and this buck was sleeping by big tree in some thick timber all i could see was antilers and the white patch on his neck one shot with .308 win and 165 AB all over the deer weights 170 dressed out at meat market.
30 whisper

That is a dandy mule deer, congratulations.

Very nice. This must be Western week cuz there sure are a lot of animals popping up.

Congrats on a very nice mulie.

That is a dandy mulie. Where I grew up, that is mostly what is there. There is a few whitetails but mostly mulies. Congrats on a great buck.