Grandson at the range


Oct 15, 2009
Saturday morning I went to the range to verify some zeroes for a competition I'm in this coming weekend. My 17 year old grandson went with me. He's had a little experience several years ago shooting a 22 rifle but some family issues interfered and he didn't stay with it.
The previous night he'd helped me load some 6.5 CMs . The brass was already prepped so I showed him how to measure the powder charges and seat the bullet. I did 2 or 3 three then let him take over.
When we got to the range we set up the equipment and I shot 3 rounds to verify the zero then let him shoot 3 rounds. I could see through the spotting scope it was a really good group. I had also brought some Federal factory loads using Berger 130's in case he wanted to shoot more. He did and shot two 3 shot groups with that load. They were good groups but not as good as the first.
When we got back to the house I measured them and found our handload had produced a .334 group while the Federal load gave him .591 and .457.
The handload was 130 Sierra TMKs over 42 gr Rl-16 ignited by CCI BR2s. The rifle is my Tikka T3x CTR topped by a Nightforce 8-32x.
I told him he did very well, not only for someone with a limited amount of experience, but for anyone. I think he's hooked because he's asked when we can do it again. 17229071408388319556209077697694.jpg17229073805887205878060160379044.jpg
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glad you had that time and hopefully more time with your g-son as it's a life lesson. my kids love to shoot and need more time with them (ages 15-26). 5 boys and 1 girl and she's the most competitive of them all! they all have a lot too learn