I loaded up the guns, gear and kids into the truck on the 12th and headed over to Summer Lake OR for our annual trip. Good times were had by all. When we arrived I loaded Fire Base Alpha onto the truck and we proceeded into "hostile" country. The hostiles soon realized we were there and the kids had to repel multiple waves of attacking squirrels with their accurate semi auto fire from their 10-22s. Once the mop up was finished it turned into a sniping long range affair. I let the kids handle everything out to 150yds with their new 17HMRs and I handled the rats past that. My 17Hornet did yeoman's service out to 300+ yards. My longest shot being 320yds on a rat. I got some opportunities at rock chucks as well. We had three days of great shooting and fishing. We went through 1230rnds of 17HMR, 625rnds of 17Hornet and 750rnds of 22LR. The weather was great; mid 70s and little to no wind. My daughter came up with a shooting trick that frankly amazed me cause I could never do it - I'm not flexible enough. She would be shooting her new Ruger 17HMR American on the bipod and while maintaining cheek weld and grip with her right hand she would reach under the rifle and work the right handed bolt with her left hand. She said she could maintain sight picture that way. I watched her whack 3 squirrels in three shots in less than 15 seconds, they were at 100yds. The girl can shoot! My son smacked a squirrel at 270 yds with my 17Hornet. Not bad for 12 and 13 yr. olds. We caught a few nice fish too. Here are some picts of our trip.