Great sagerat shoot..... and caught a few trout as well.


May 12, 2009
I loaded up the guns, gear and kids into the truck on the 12th and headed over to Summer Lake OR for our annual trip. Good times were had by all. When we arrived I loaded Fire Base Alpha onto the truck and we proceeded into "hostile" country. The hostiles soon realized we were there and the kids had to repel multiple waves of attacking squirrels with their accurate semi auto fire from their 10-22s. Once the mop up was finished it turned into a sniping long range affair. I let the kids handle everything out to 150yds with their new 17HMRs and I handled the rats past that. My 17Hornet did yeoman's service out to 300+ yards. My longest shot being 320yds on a rat. I got some opportunities at rock chucks as well. We had three days of great shooting and fishing. We went through 1230rnds of 17HMR, 625rnds of 17Hornet and 750rnds of 22LR. The weather was great; mid 70s and little to no wind. My daughter came up with a shooting trick that frankly amazed me cause I could never do it - I'm not flexible enough. She would be shooting her new Ruger 17HMR American on the bipod and while maintaining cheek weld and grip with her right hand she would reach under the rifle and work the right handed bolt with her left hand. She said she could maintain sight picture that way. I watched her whack 3 squirrels in three shots in less than 15 seconds, they were at 100yds. The girl can shoot! My son smacked a squirrel at 270 yds with my 17Hornet. Not bad for 12 and 13 yr. olds. We caught a few nice fish too. Here are some picts of our trip.

That looks like a heckuva time. Say, fine looking trout, as well. I'm envious. I do like your portable fire base--great idea.
That looks like an excellent outing, glad you had a great time with your family. Very nice looking trout.

That's no sage rat in the bottom photo... :mrgreen:

Anyone who's ever shot prairie dogs, wood chucks or rock chucks... Sage rats are about 1/4 their size... Challenging targets. And there's a mess of 'em.

Very much fun huh?

Looks great.

BTW what scope do you have on your 17 Hornet?
That is what it is all about :)!! I am glad you were able to spend 3 days with your family that is such a good investment in the future.
The trout looks like it would be great stuffed & barbecued :wink:.
Thank you for the story & photos.

FOTIS":wzyddued said:
Very much fun huh?

Looks great.

BTW what scope do you have on your 17 Hornet?

I'm actually running the Bushnell 6500 I got from you, the 2.5x16. When your shooting those little squirrels at 300yds you need every bit of that magnification.
Guy Miner":2kqm91vn said:

That's no sage rat in the bottom photo... :mrgreen:

Anyone who's ever shot prairie dogs, wood chucks or rock chucks... Sage rats are about 1/4 their size... Challenging targets. And there's a mess of 'em.


Your right, that was an unlucky rockchuck that I happened to spot on the hillside nearby. I almost had a badger too! We found his hole and you could hear him growling at us. For some reason my son wouldn't reach in there and pull him out :shock: . If we could've found a 12' stick I bet I could have encouraged him to come out. This time of year all the young squirrels are out and they're about half the size of the adults. It's pretty tough to hit a target the size of a box of 17HMR ammo.

Sure looks like a blast. Glad you had a great time.
Nice looking trout.


That looks like a heck of a good time! Really dig the "portable shooting bench". What do you think of the 17 Hornet? I've been fighting the urge to get a 17 of some sort. I think the 17 HMR would be the logical choice because ammo is easy to find but, kinda like the 17 WSM and really like the ballistics of the 17 Hornet.
That looks like an awesome couple days for all -- nicely done! "Fire Base Alpha" looks like it works VERY well. That beats the hell out of laying on the ground all day long, and then spending all evening pulling ticks off.
Man, that looks like a blast Scott! I am digging your Firebase Alpha set up!

I am with Brian, I saw one of the 17WSM's in a Savage yesterday when I picked up my fishing license. Looks pretty slick. That or a 17 Hornet would be alot of fun I believe.

Nice trout!
I really like the 17Hornet. It's fast and has no recoil. I spot my own shots and watch the impacts in the scope. With a 200yd zero it only drops 6" at 300yds. I can reload it for the same cost as buying 17HMR. The wind will probably give it fits. I've only shot it in 10mph wind and it did fine. I think it would make a great hide hunters rifle for bobcats and coyotes. My only regret is the rifle I chose. I have a Ruger 77/17(same action as the 22Hornet). The gun is accurate and I like the magazine arrangement. The gun is a rear lug action and I'm having trouble figuring out how to bed it. The chamber is tight, I get a sticky bolt lift with factory ammo so my reloads are running at 3450fps instead of the factory 3650fps. My brass should last a long time. If I were to do it over I think I'd go with the CZ 527, it has a mini mauser action. I'm even thinking about a 17 Fireball, I'd shoot it loaded down in 36-3700fps range.

muleman":2170aykg said:
The chamber is tight, I get a sticky bolt lift with factory ammo so my reloads are running at 3450fps instead of the factory 3650fps. My brass should last a long time. If I were to do it over I think I'd go with the CZ 527, it has a mini mauser action.

What is your load Scott?
I have a CZ 527 in .204 Reuger. I get full factory velocity and 1/2 MOA accuracy with the right loads.
I'm using AA1680 and Hornady's recipes. I started at 12gr but it was to hot. I backed down to 11gr and worked up to 11.4gr, Hornady brass, WSR primers, 20gr Vmaxs loaded to a OAL of 1.710. Haven't chrono'd it but book says 3450 to 3500fps.
I was looking at LIL GUN but no data except quickload.....

Will start with H110 for now. Cannot get 1680,
...there's a few more loads not listed on the Hodgdon site in the 2013 Reloading Annual...