Gun shooting more accurate off hand than a rest.


Mar 11, 2017
So I have a chiappa little badger that shoots better off hand than from a bench, what can cause this strange happening?

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Possibly torqueing it on the bench, ie pressing down on the rest. I prefer keeping the rest close to the magazine and away from the barrel.

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I didn't know what they were but I assumed by the name they were short and you were shooting it with the barrel on the front bag which will mess with it every time.

After looking them up I can see it might be difficult to shoot them off the bench in any way but with the front bag under the barrel. If so that's your problem right there.
Yeah it’s a tricky one to sight it I’ll tell ya that!

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Barrel torque is my 1st 'go-to' response. It's just a .22, so forget about using any type of hand grip on the forend of the stock. Rest the aft of the stock on something padded and shot it single handed. I do it all the time with my '08 class rifles when i'm trying to test my new reloads.