Gun Store Called

Thats great Vince, I know that you have been waiting for a while. I know that it will be a shooter, keep us up on the progress.
Vince it sounds like you have everything well in hand. I can't wait for photos & a range report.
I believe this rifle is going to be a nail driver :mrgreen:!

Got a load worked up that does OK at intermediate distance and I painted the stock.
I'm running the Barnes 130gr TSX FB with IMR 4350. Now that I have some of the Barnes 6.5mm LRX bullets I'm going to work up a load for them.


That 3 shoot group was at 400 meters from a hunting prone position, off my bag.
130gr TSX FB with IMR 4350.
Now, that is what I call putting them in the zone, Vince. Congratulations on a fine rifle and a fine load. You're able to take full advantage of what you have. That is a great group.
Thank you sir.
I'm pretty happy with it. I'm going to try and work up a load using the LRX bullet as it is designed to open at lower velocity but if I can't get a load worked up in time this will work.
Very nice Vince. I like the paint job too!

Seems like the Barnes are shooting well. What's the speed on em?
SJB358":21l6h8pd said:
Very nice Vince. I like the paint job too!

Seems like the Barnes are shooting well. What's the speed on em?
Looking at the reloading data, and the predicted velocities, I should be getting just over 2900 fps.
I haven't had the opportunity to run them over a chronograph yet.
Vince from one lefty to another that is some fine shooting my friend. That load you have is right on the mark. Good luck, I am looking forward to see what she will do in a hunting situation :wink:. The story with photos are always welcome.

Thank you Dan.
This may be my last opportunity for a coues deer so I'm determined to get it done this year.

Best of luck Vince on your upcoming hunt, I sure know that you are prepared :)!
We are all looking forward to the story with photos :wink:.
Shoot straight, have Fun & be Safe.

I guess a gun store would probably be the only place that would want my number as well ! It is a nice looking rig and I reall like the round a lot as I was looking at a build and this would probably be the caliber to work with! Will not cost an arm and 2 legs to shoot long range with it like my 338-378 or say a 338 Norma Mag! Still will not be as much fun as squeezing a Timney on my 338-378 that never gets old !!