Handgun Ballistic Gel Testing


Range Officer
Staff member
Nov 4, 2004
Here is a link to Handgun Self Defense Ballistic Gel Testing done by Lucky Gunner. It contains some pretty good information. I've bought from Lucky Gunner and they have fair prices and quick delivery.

Thanks Jim, that was a great article. I have always stocked up on HydraShocks, XTP, Winchester Silvertips, and some Gold Dots for my pistols, and after reading this review, it seems the Federal HST comes out the winner when intruders are wearing clothing and expansion / penetration is just perfect, and Gold Dot and Ranger Bonded / T Series close behind. I will be checking to purchase some of those HST and fill my magazines with them. By the way, it would be fun if I do some water jug tests with the varieties of bullets i have on hand. I used to use a water trough full of water, and test those bullets long ago. I added some pics of those .45 Black Talons that I fired into water back in the 90's and they have a devastating expansion, sadly those bullets are banned.


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Thanks Jim, that was a great article. I have always stocked up on HydraShocks, XTP, Winchester Silvertips, and some Gold Dots for my pistols, and after reading this review, it seems the Federal HST comes out the winner when intruders are wearing clothing and expansion / penetration is just perfect, and Gold Dot and Ranger Bonded / T Series close behind. I will be checking to purchase some of those HST and fill my magazines with them. By the way, it would be fun if I do some water jug tests with the varieties of bullets i have on hand. I used to use a water trough full of water, and test those bullets long ago. I added some pics of those .45 Black Talons that I fired into water back in the 90's and they have a devastating expansion, sadly those bullets are banned.
Nice results on the Winchester Black Talons. Sadly Winchester caved to the anti gun political agenda and discontinued them when they were labeled as cop killers and able to penetrate through kevlar. The good news is Winchester introduced the same bullet as Winchester Ranger but without the black Lubalox coating.
They are indeed a devastating bullet for self defense.
looks like I’m changing my rounds out soon!
not really impressed with the results of the Hydra-Shoks.
Actually I’m very disappointed as I could be just shooting FMJs with almost the same results. At less cost!
I appreciate you posting that JD. I've been looking over 9mm luger for EDC in my new 9mms. It appears that the standard velocity Federal HST has it all, penetration, expansion and consistency. I have a couple hundred rounds of Federal 124gr HydraShok +p+ that I was gifted a decade ago that I planned to use. It seems hydra shok has an expansion and over penetration problem.
Call me Mr Unadventurous, but I just use Win 115 JHP, which I didn't see on their list. I like it because I can but enough of it to shoot multiple mags through a pistol and not go bankrupt by mid-week. The HST look amazing, but is it that much more amazing than the 115gr Gold Dot, for example?
According to the ballistic gel tests...
Speer 115 gr HP Gold Dot avg penetration 16.6" avg expansion .542".
Federal 147 gr HST avg penetration 14.7"
avg expansion .610"
In my opinion, the HST offers plenty of expansion and is within the FBI penetration guidelines.
Myself, I'm a fan of heavy bullets.

Yeah I've been a Lucky Gunner customer for a good while now, they're pretty much local for me, I tend to get anything I order within a day or 2.... good prices, usually have stuff in stock, and they get it out the door quick... I'm only about 70 miles from them.
I've always been a fan of the XTPs. Looks like the 124/147s do a decent enough job from the 9mm anyway.
XTP is a great bullet, reminded me of when I shot a 210 grain XTP HP head on in a 325 pound hog, that Classic Hunter .41 Magnum pushed that reloaded pill lit by H110 at around 1600 -1650 fps, it was pretty warm, bullet hit her head on from the left cheek and traveled the length of that sow to the rear hams, stopped just under the skin. I still have that bullet, in the lead you could see bone fragments. Muzzle energy was so impressive.
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Sadly Winchester caved to the anti gun political agenda and discontinued them when they were labeled as cop killers and able to penetrate through kevlar.
You can thank rap music at the time for glorifying cop killing.
According to the ballistic gel tests...
Speer 115 gr HP Gold Dot avg penetration 16.6" avg expansion .542".
Federal 147 gr HST avg penetration 14.7"
avg expansion .610"
In my opinion, the HST offers plenty of expansion and is within the FBI penetration guidelines.
Myself, I'm a fan of heavy bullets.

And you are absolutely correct. As I said, I think those look amazing, I simply do not see that there is sufficient value in them - for me - to spend the money on them. Looking at the two side by side, I also find it interesting that the heavier bullet actually averages less penetration than the lighter bullet. I would have expected that the lighter, faster bullet would lose energy faster and penetrate less. That the 147 opens so much more that is has 2 inches less penetration is interesting.
And you are absolutely correct. As I said, I think those look amazing, I simply do not see that there is sufficient value in them - for me - to spend the money on them. Looking at the two side by side, I also find it interesting that the heavier bullet actually averages less penetration than the lighter bullet. I would have expected that the lighter, faster bullet would lose energy faster and penetrate less. That the 147 opens so much more that is has 2 inches less penetration is interesting.
The wider expansion acts like a parachute to slow it down faster and inpeed penetration. Same is true with magnum vs. standard rifle loads ie: 308 Win 180 gr vs. 300 Win Mag 180 gr. The difference is the energy dump of the magnum.
Just more food for thought. 🤔

I haven’t purchased anything from them but have looked at their test results before. I think they do a good job with comparisons and makes me feel more confident in choices. But for those that are interested I can tell you from first hand experience the 147 HST in 9mm and 180 HST in .40 are extremely effective at stopping threats.