Larry in SD
- Nov 8, 2004
- 426
- 2
Just curious if there are any other Handgun Hunters out there. I have been hunting with Single Shot Speciality Pistols since 1982. Over the years there have been T/C Contenders, T/C Encores, Remington XP-100's and a Savage Striker along the way. Cartridges I have used have included:
.223 Remington
.243 Winchester
.250 Savage
7-30 Waters
7mm I.H.M.S.A.
.284 Winchester
.30-30 Ackley Improved
.44 Remington Magnum
Recently I picked up a Stainless-Steel Super 14 7-30 Waters Contender Barrel. I have hunted with a 7-30 Waters several years ago, but it was with a 10" Contender.
At any rate upon receiving my Barrel I also received a set of RCBS Reloading Dies, 100 New Remington .30-30 Winchester Cases and 100 Nosler 120gr. Ballistic Tip Bullets.
To make 7-30 Waters Brass out of .30-30 Winchester Brass the first step is to neck the .30-30 Brass down to 7mm. During this process the necking down process leaves a false shoulder on the long .30-30 Case Neck. I adjusted my sizing die so as to form a tight fit for that false shoulder in my chamber to try to eliminate any case stretch during the fireforming process (required to blow out the case body and put the shoulder in the right place).
I read an article on the net about fireforming without using bullets. The article stated to neck the brass down (I had done that) and then fill the case to the case mouth with a fast burning pistol powder and weigh the amount of pistol powder. The article went on to say that the charge weight of the pistol powder would be approximately 10% to 14% of the total capacity.
Once the charge weight was determined the article said to put a plug of toilet paper on top of the powder charge (the author used 1/4 sheet) (which I did). The next step was to fill the case (on top of the pistol powder and toilet paper wad) to the bottom of the case neck with Cream of Wheat. I set up a second powder measure to dump the right amount of Cream of Wheat in my cases. The article then said to put another 1/4 sheet of toilet paper wad on top of the Cream of Wheat.
Well I loaded up a couple cases and headed out of town to see what happened. Wow this worked like a charm, and upon firing I had formed 7-30 Waters Brass fireformed to my chamber. I should note that barrel clean up after firing these Cream of Wheat Fireform Loads was a snap and took only a couple minutes. Once all my cases were fireformed to my chamber I neck sized the brass, and trimmed to length.
I then set out to work up a load with the 120gr. Nosler Ballistic Tips. I have been using Hodgdon's H-4895 Powder in my .223 Loads for a year or so, so that is what I had on hand. I went to the Hodgdon Web Site and copied their starting and maximum loads for a 120gr. Nosler Solid Base Flat Point Bullet with H-4895 Powder.
After a trip to the range with a bunch of test loads I ended up with a good shooting load. The average for 5 - 3 shot groups at 100 yards came in at .969" with the smallest group going just slightly over 3/4". I then came home and loaded up the rest of my fireformed brass with this new found load and headed out to chronograph it. I was hoping for 2450 FPS with the 120gr. Nosler Ballistic Tip, and wasn't disappointed by much. My load averaged 2436 FPS for 5 shots over the screens of my Chronograph with low extreme spread and standard deviation.
I have my 7-30 Waters all sighted in and ready for Deer Season to roll around. Yeah I will be out shooting up a few rounds between now and then, verifying my zero and just plain practicing.
Just curious if there are any other Handgun Hunters out there, and if you are all ready for Deer Season this fall.
.223 Remington
.243 Winchester
.250 Savage
7-30 Waters
7mm I.H.M.S.A.
.284 Winchester
.30-30 Ackley Improved
.44 Remington Magnum
Recently I picked up a Stainless-Steel Super 14 7-30 Waters Contender Barrel. I have hunted with a 7-30 Waters several years ago, but it was with a 10" Contender.
At any rate upon receiving my Barrel I also received a set of RCBS Reloading Dies, 100 New Remington .30-30 Winchester Cases and 100 Nosler 120gr. Ballistic Tip Bullets.
To make 7-30 Waters Brass out of .30-30 Winchester Brass the first step is to neck the .30-30 Brass down to 7mm. During this process the necking down process leaves a false shoulder on the long .30-30 Case Neck. I adjusted my sizing die so as to form a tight fit for that false shoulder in my chamber to try to eliminate any case stretch during the fireforming process (required to blow out the case body and put the shoulder in the right place).
I read an article on the net about fireforming without using bullets. The article stated to neck the brass down (I had done that) and then fill the case to the case mouth with a fast burning pistol powder and weigh the amount of pistol powder. The article went on to say that the charge weight of the pistol powder would be approximately 10% to 14% of the total capacity.
Once the charge weight was determined the article said to put a plug of toilet paper on top of the powder charge (the author used 1/4 sheet) (which I did). The next step was to fill the case (on top of the pistol powder and toilet paper wad) to the bottom of the case neck with Cream of Wheat. I set up a second powder measure to dump the right amount of Cream of Wheat in my cases. The article then said to put another 1/4 sheet of toilet paper wad on top of the Cream of Wheat.
Well I loaded up a couple cases and headed out of town to see what happened. Wow this worked like a charm, and upon firing I had formed 7-30 Waters Brass fireformed to my chamber. I should note that barrel clean up after firing these Cream of Wheat Fireform Loads was a snap and took only a couple minutes. Once all my cases were fireformed to my chamber I neck sized the brass, and trimmed to length.
I then set out to work up a load with the 120gr. Nosler Ballistic Tips. I have been using Hodgdon's H-4895 Powder in my .223 Loads for a year or so, so that is what I had on hand. I went to the Hodgdon Web Site and copied their starting and maximum loads for a 120gr. Nosler Solid Base Flat Point Bullet with H-4895 Powder.
After a trip to the range with a bunch of test loads I ended up with a good shooting load. The average for 5 - 3 shot groups at 100 yards came in at .969" with the smallest group going just slightly over 3/4". I then came home and loaded up the rest of my fireformed brass with this new found load and headed out to chronograph it. I was hoping for 2450 FPS with the 120gr. Nosler Ballistic Tip, and wasn't disappointed by much. My load averaged 2436 FPS for 5 shots over the screens of my Chronograph with low extreme spread and standard deviation.
I have my 7-30 Waters all sighted in and ready for Deer Season to roll around. Yeah I will be out shooting up a few rounds between now and then, verifying my zero and just plain practicing.
Just curious if there are any other Handgun Hunters out there, and if you are all ready for Deer Season this fall.