Happy hunters.


Apr 5, 2014
Gus got his first bull this year. He also got a buck earlier. He's shooting Grandpa's reloads in a 264 Mag.
Asa got a buck with a 308 with Hornady Fusion ammo.
Blacktails and a Rosie? Very nice animals and congrats to your grandsons and you. What is your load in the 264?
140 grain Sierra SPBT with 60 grains of H4831.
Gus passed up shots to get closer on both animals. He didn't want to shoot until he was sure.
Asa watched his buck for 10 minutes waiting for a doe to clear the area.
Proud of both of them.
Lots to be proud of with those boys for sure. Sounds like they are turning out just fine.........
Man, that is just too great! Congratulations to the boys and to grandpa for taking them hunting for such noble quarry. The future of the sport is assured through such labours of love.
I actually didn't have anything to do with them collecting their trophies. Their father was along for the hunts. I sure enjoyed hearing them tell their stories.
Gus and I had elk tags for different units. He did much better than I did.
Asa doesn't say much but he was jabbering the day he got his buck.
Nevertheless, a culture of hunting has been fostered in the home and it is being passed along to younger generations! Excellent report.
That is a great season, you sure did right by your Son as he handing down the heritage that you taught him.
I am so looking forward to this up coming weekend as my oldest boy and my 7 year old grandson will be Whitetail hunting with me.
Again thank you for the post and photographs.
