Hard extraction in old Mauser


Dec 17, 2005
Received a Model 1908 Brazilian Mauser, made by DWM, in 7x57mm. This is the long rifle. Entire piece is of mixed parts, according to SN. The bore cleaned up nicely, though has some dark spots. Lands are strong and sharp.
Two issues :
(1) Safety will not go on without pulling back the firing pin with pliers. What does this indicate?
(2) After firing, bolt handle has to be pounded against wooden post to open and extract fired case. Case shows no signs of bad headspace, like; swelling, splits or primer backing out. Only bad signs on case are two or three fresh brass scrapes down the length, about the width of a sharp knife blade. What is indicated by this?
Should I attempt to buff the chamber before returning the rifle?
With my remington 300 win mag I also had bad extraction each time I shot. What I did was polish the chamber and took the bolt apart and cleaned it really good and sprayed on a little bit of rem oil with teflon in it and the bolt and the extraction problems were fixed. But Im not a proffesional. :lol:
I'm gonna guess your bolt shroud is not turned in or out far enough on your bolt body. You should be able to pull back on it under tension and turn it in or out as it needs to be. Again, just a guess.