He shoots he scores!!!!


May 12, 2006
I have not been able to hunt much because of football this season, we finished up last week and I got some time in the woods. Yesterday evening I made my longest shot on a deer with any weapon, I got a big old doe at 184yds, enter left front shoulder, exit right rear rib. She went about 60-70yds. I went to a good morning stand at daylight and at 9:00am I hear shuffling. I see a doe and she whips her head around and I see tines moving in behind her. Not my best buck ever but he is a good one, especiallly for around here where most guys are brown and down. I had about an 8" gap between trees and he stopped with his right front shoulder exposed. He made it about 10yds and he was done. The bullet did not exit, I was shocked at that because all the rest have, GREAT expansion, 198.5grs retained. You can see the shot placement in each picture, I was pretty pleased, especially on the doe.

T/C Encore
73.5grs(weighed) BH209
Harvester Scorpion PT Gold 300gr Bullet



Way to go, congratulations on a nice buck and doe.
Post a picture of the recovered bullet for us.

JD, sorry about that, can't believe I left out the bullet pic!

Expanded to .617" at the widest point - .452" start, 198.5grs retained - 300gr start. The Crush Rib sabots are grooveysupercool, load like a powerbelt.

Great pictures and a couple of fine whitetail. Congratulations. It is especially gratifying to see the performance of the bullet.
Thanks guys.

I thought I pretty well knew the drop at that range, my gun is 1/2" high at 75yds because 99.99% of my shots are under 75yds with most being under 50yds. I held right at the top of her shoulder and touched it off. I was shocked with the complete pass through at that range.
Awesome shooting Heath! Your recovered bullet looks PERFECT! Now, tell me more about those SABOTS and where to get them please! That is a DANDY buck. I would be very proud of him. Scotty
Super kool Heath!! Really nice pix, thanks for sharing.

And thanks for the link on the sabots.


Great pictures and great animals. Thanks for sharing!!

Particulary liked the part about 184 yards being the longest shot with any weapon you have ever made. You are spoiled, thats pretty much point blank where I usually hunt. Great story thanks for sharing.
Thanks guys I was pretty pleased. MZ season around here is usually the best season to hunt, the deer are really moving good in the late pre-rut and the weather is usuallly nice.

I think you guys will really like the Harvester Sabots, I have heard good things about the red ones too, they are a bit tighter fit I think.

Elkman, it is so thick where I hunt being just 10yds out of position will result in a missed chance. Yesterday I moved my stand about 30yds and I had 5 deer come by me about 40yds to my right and only know one was a doe, the others I could only see flashes and bits and pieces as they meandered along.