Help wanted, must have a good dog, seriously


Ammo Smith
Dec 13, 2013
Horse shoe curve ranch is located about 12 miles outside Pendlton Oregon along the Umatilla river. The ranch offers guided hunts for three species of pheasant, both wild and supplemented, three species of quail, chukar and waterfowl. Deer elk and turkey. We need to take a bear or two as well.
We are busy and need to get a couple of guys/gals on line with good dogs to help us out from time to time with the upland hunting.
Sorry, the above was incomplete. If you are interested or know some one who may be, get a hold of me here and we will move forward.
Have good dog and am kind-of retired/kind of running my own business & setting my own schedule. But... I'm not the greatest bird hunter and that's a long way from central Washington.... Hmmm...

About 3.5 hours I should think. Which season are you elk hunting in Oregon? Our big problem is during Oregon second season.
Hunting elk in Oregon during the second week, Nov 7 - 14 for my trip to hunt Oregon spike bulls.

Dang it, that is when my brother and I are gone elk hunting, hence the need. I'm scrambling tonight but I'll pm you some more information.