His Real Agenda With Russia

King turd, aka: Liar in Chief has yet more tricks up his sleeve to bring down the USA.
I hope he gets impeached sooner than later for the biggest scam in the history of the United States. Send him back to Kenya where he belongs.

Sorry for the rant...

At least the Republicans seen to be aware of the news and are asking questions of his intent now.
As i mentioned in a previous post this man is very dangerous and if people don't wake up we are in for very bad times ahead. Just to give you and idea of how some people think, I have a woman in the front office of my work place that doesn't care what Obama does or says. He is her savior and she worships at his altar. I have to wonder where her mind is (or if she has one). Not a rant Jim, your stating honest facts.
It is fascinating to see the spin numerous Democrats are putting on this. Nevertheless, this is a dangerous situation.
I'll have to start another thread, but I've come up with what I humbly believe is the single most brilliant exploitation of the liberal mindset EVER.

And, we have seen the enemy, Jim. And it is, unfortunately, in many ways, us. I just hope we rediscover the individualism that made this country great before it's too late.
Obama Tells Russia He’ll Have ‘More Flexibility’ After Next ElectionTranslation - I can't let the voters know my true intentions until they can't do anythimg about it.
owenv":3rjzh77w said:
Obama Tells Russia He’ll Have ‘More Flexibility’ After Next ElectionTranslation - I can't let the voters know my true intentions until they can't do anythimg about it.

Wow----- That is pretty direct.. He isn't scared to come right out and say it though, huh?
I saw on the news last night where some poll said 51 percent of the women polled favored Obama over Romney. :shock: IIRC, back when "Slick Willie", he got the majority of his votes from women. When women were polled, I believe if was soccor moms, they said they voted for Clinton because he was cute. Does anyone besides me think that giving women the vote just might have been a big mistake? :roll: God help this country because we sure as hell aren't doing it. :x
Paul B.
PJ, don't say that with my wife around. I'd like to give her ten minutes in a room, alone, with Obama. She could kill him with the look in her eyes.