

May 26, 2012
Just watched Horizon, rented from AppleTV, on my phone.

Kevin Costner left the biggest ranch comedy show for this flop? I see Yellowstone as a comedy show as very little resembles real ranch life. If you haven’t seen it, Horizon, save your money. If you have seen it what did you think?

I thought it was too many stories in one movie and way too long. It actually put me to sleep and I had to watch it in segments. Kevin Costner is a great actor but dang it he sure can produce a real flop. As for Yellowstone I watch it because it’s really stupid. Kind of like that bad MVA with body parts strewn about. You know you shouldn’t look but you do anyway.

We actually love Yellowstone, and its spin offs. It’s the one series my Wife will watch with me that I like and is not a reality show!
I watched Horizon, and it felt like the whole first “chapter” was an introduction of characters . So true A LOT OF STORIES! I watched it in segments too, but I did enjoy it.
I grew up with Saturday morning westerns so I love that genre and I’m looking forward to seeing the next one.
I agree with you about the realism and Yellowstone.
We actually love Yellowstone, and its spin offs. It’s the one series my Wife will watch with me that I like and is not a reality show!
I watched Horizon, and it felt like the whole first “chapter” was an introduction of characters . So true A LOT OF STORIES! I watched it in segments too, but I did enjoy it.
I grew up with Saturday morning westerns so I love that genre and I’m looking forward to seeing the next one.
I agree with you about the realism and Yellowstone.
1923 is pretty realistic from stories I grew up with from my parents who lived them.
Dad was born in 1910.

My wife and I have enjoyed Yellowstone and the spinoffs. Have not seen Horizon yet but we need to remember that these types of shows are made for entertainment and are not necessarily factual, kind of like the election campaigns. So far we've found them entertaining.
Well I'm surrounded by ranches, most homesteaded around the time of the civil war. There were some skirmishes with the Piaute, the old soldiers who fought the plains Indians and settled in the Blue Mountains thought the Nez Pierce the most feared warriors. They simply wanted to be left alone.
We occasionally have somebody get shot in our county, some how they always seem to be from Portland.
That being said, years ago in his Rest of the story broadcast, Paul Harvey had a field day with incompetent Sheriff s mishandling homicide investigations concluding with if you want to get away with murder go to Union County Oregon.
Some people learn from their mistakes, others not so much.
A neighbor, checking fences along a county Road found a human skull. Been there for quite a while, years was the guess. Sheriffs office initially said they would be out in a day or two. Someone knew better and they secured the scene, found some more evidence but didn't look to hard......
Perhaps Yellowstone is realistic 😁
Well I'm surrounded by ranches, most homesteaded around the time of the civil war. There were some skirmishes with the Piaute, the old soldiers who fought the plains Indians and settled in the Blue Mountains thought the Nez Pierce the most feared warriors. They simply wanted to be left alone.
We occasionally have somebody get shot in our county, some how they always seem to be from Portland.
That being said, years ago in his Rest of the story broadcast, Paul Harvey had a field day with incompetent Sheriff s mishandling homicide investigations concluding with if you want to get away with murder go to Union County Oregon.
Some people learn from their mistakes, others not so much.
A neighbor, checking fences along a county Road found a human skull. Been there for quite a while, years was the guess. Sheriffs office initially said they would be out in a day or two. Someone knew better and they secured the scene, found some more evidence but didn't look to hard......
Perhaps Yellowstone is realistic 😁
The "Train Station".

My wife and I really liked 1883 and 1923, looking anxiously forward for subsequent seasons.

That said, Yellowstone is not a favorite. There was a lot of potential but sadly, too much Hollywood got in the way of an otherwise good show.

I have lived and worked on many ranches for the majority of my life and must say Yellowstone misses the mark. Most local and generational ranchers are benevolent, God-fearing people who struggle day to day with making ends meet. There is no “train station,” no tongue-tied, foul-mouthed female hands, no branding the help on their chest, getting all of your teeth knocked out and guzzling a bottle of booze because you’re just so tough etc, etc.

It is offensive to me, the way Hollywood characterizes us country folks as uneducated, filthy, drunken, abusive, unfaithful, homicidal idiots. Hunters are likewise cast in the same light.

Sorry for the rant but Yellowstone had a chance to show the real deal but went with the b.s. instead. 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️
Cousin was an recurring extra on the 1923 set. Neat cause both his Grandaddies were Montana Honyockers who settled about that time and he knows a fair bit about the history. He looks the part and if they ever let him talk he has a real Montana accent. From what i heard from my parents, neighbors in the 20's had no problem with each other crossing property lines. In fact if you were on horse back, you would take out the staples to let down the fence, cross and put the fence back up. Otherwise you would ride for miles getting to the doctor or the store.
Dad was in NM in the late 20’s early 30’s and had some gun stories from the time.

Heck, he remembered Wyatt Earp dying. I like 1923, the show, but Yellowstone misses the mark by a huge margin. Curious to see how the 6666 show turns out. Got lots of potential to be good but it remains to be seen.

Cousin was an recurring extra on the 1923 set. Neat cause both his Grandaddies were Montana Honyockers who settled about that time and he knows a fair bit about the history. He looks the part and if they ever let him talk he has a real Montana accent. From what i heard from my parents, neighbors in the 20's had no problem with each other crossing property lines. In fact if you were on horse back, you would take out the staples to let down the fence, cross and put the fence back up. Otherwise you would ride for miles getting to the doctor or the store.
A goodly portion of the west was open range for the longest time, even until recently. I think property lines were invented by yuppie Californians.
I agree with the Bundy family that the federal government has no authority to own land except for military bases and ports.

I thought the standoff in NV would be the start of the second war of federal aggression but so far it hasn’t happened, sadly. I don’t relish the deaths that will occur but I do think it’s long past time that the tree of liberty needs watering. Maybe the next time the right side will be victorious.

I agree with the Bundy family that the federal government has no authority to own land except for military bases and ports.

I thought the standoff in NV would be the start of the second war of federal aggression but so far it hasn’t happened, sadly. I don’t relish the deaths that will occur but I do think it’s long past time that the tree of liberty needs watering. Maybe the next time the right side will be victorious.

yea, no. I like having a place to hunt.
yea, no. I like having a place to hunt.
We will agree to disagree.
I’d rather the Constitution be followed as our founders intended than having a place to hunt. I’m not that selfish that I think only of myself.
