Horizontal stringing question


Apr 18, 2006
I was working up some loads the other day, going from book min-max in 1 grain increases and everything looked fine pressure wise, no flattened primers, heavy bolt lift ect.. I found 3 powder charges in the middle that shot/grouped very well at 200 yards. My second to last charge opened up and my very last, book max, shot a horizontal string.

I still did not see any over pressure signs at max but what is that horizontal string telling me?
The only time it ever happened to me I was using a newly mounted scope on a 300 wsm, it was about my third or fourth range session when suddenly I went from quarter size groups to about a 2" horizontal string. Checked the mount screws and found one of the windage adjustments was loose. Tightened it up, problem solved. A little blue Locktite has prevented a replay.
Wind, a cross wind will do it every time. Put out some wind flags or surveyors ribbon so you can see what the wind is doing.
The wind will always play nasty tricks on you.
Check out your barrel channel, also. It could be that you have a bit of pressure along one side, and after shooting a bit, heat caused the pressure to increase and give you the horizontal stringing. I'm not saying this is definitely it, but it's worth a look.
cloverleaf":wwsoatug said:
OOPS I read "horizontal" and thought vertical! :oops: Never mind me...CL

I could rotate the target 90 degrees if that would help. :wink:
Where you shot at least 4 stings, at least 2 shot well, and only the last on did the horizontal string on you, I wouldn't make too much out of it. I'd probably shoot a few more groups with the loads that did look good, and if they started to string, then I would know I had a problem.
+1 with what Antelope Sniper said. My 375Wby strung a few groups but they were under and inch and one was under .5" and then the others were not string groups and yet all groups have so far been under an inch. Some is the load, some the shooter and at times not many the barrel, or bedding ect. ect. and so on, but if you are shooting under an 1 1/2" or less with a hunting load you have developed, just go hunt and don't worry about it.
Antelope_Sniper":3a79iq93 said:
Where you shot at least 4 stings, at least 2 shot well, and only the last on did the horizontal string on you, I wouldn't make too much out of it. I'd probably shoot a few more groups with the loads that did look good, and if they started to string, then I would know I had a problem.

3 powder charges shot well but the last powder charge was the only 1 that did the horizontal stringing. I plan on doing what you have said as they seem to be my bread and butter loads and to be sure nothing has come loose or moved. I will also try the max load the did the string but this time I'll shoot it first after fouling the barrel, that should give me the best/most accurate results of what that load is really doing.
OU812":15w34u33 said:
Antelope_Sniper":15w34u33 said:
Where you shot at least 4 stings, at least 2 shot well, and only the last on did the horizontal string on you, I wouldn't make too much out of it. I'd probably shoot a few more groups with the loads that did look good, and if they started to string, then I would know I had a problem.

3 powder charges shot well but the last powder charge was the only 1 that did the horizontal stringing. I plan on doing what you have said as they seem to be my bread and butter loads and to be sure nothing has come loose or moved. I will also try the max load the did the string but this time I'll shoot it first after fouling the barrel, that should give me the best/most accurate results of what that load is really doing.

Seating depth can also change a stringing problem as it did for me when I first started my load development with my .375Wby.
bullet":3nw88wll said:
OU812":3nw88wll said:
Antelope_Sniper":3nw88wll said:
Where you shot at least 4 stings, at least 2 shot well, and only the last on did the horizontal string on you, I wouldn't make too much out of it. I'd probably shoot a few more groups with the loads that did look good, and if they started to string, then I would know I had a problem.

3 powder charges shot well but the last powder charge was the only 1 that did the horizontal stringing. I plan on doing what you have said as they seem to be my bread and butter loads and to be sure nothing has come loose or moved. I will also try the max load the did the string but this time I'll shoot it first after fouling the barrel, that should give me the best/most accurate results of what that load is really doing.

Seating depth can also change a stringing problem as it did for me when I first started my load development with my .375Wby.

All of the bullets were set the same depth as per the Hornady COL comparator and Foster ultra seater.

I was more concerned that the sudded horizontal stringing on the max listed load was showing over pressure even though the cases, primers or bolt lift did not indicate so.