Hornady Suspend list!


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
I wonder why????


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My guess would be to make production capability for more 30-06, 270, etc. In other words, Zi ould guess they're going to make more of what sells best...
Looks as if they are focusing on demand, although I would have thought there was a major demand for .22 calibre bullets. It will be interesting to see if other manufacturers follow suit.
That's very interesting. Some of those bullets are popular stuff I would think.

No doubt! There are a lot more listed just could nopt upload them. We will get confirmation on Monday
They are probably a) backordered for handgun ammunition for sale to the public, and b) need to fill all those DHS orders.

Take a closer look.
.17, 20, and 25 are not all that popular calibers.
Hornady match bullets are second rate and don't win any benchrest competitions.

In .224 55gr they suspended the Zmax and the Vmax moly, indicating they will use this capacity to kick out more of the better selling clone, the 55gr Vmax.
The Amax are a niche product, and not a high volume one.

This would be like Nosler suspending prodution of the LRAB's and their solids to kick out more BT's and Partitions.

Hornady's production lines are still running 24/7. They are just spending more time producing product, and less time switching between them. Right now, this is just good business.
I didn't even see that! No 162 amaxs??!! Hahaha say what you will bit that don't make bit of sense to me.

What about the 208 amaxs??
I use the 115gr XTP's in my 9mm all the time! If they want to help the customers, they should shut down all the lines and make 22lr.
Use hornady brass not many of their bullets, never been a fan of hornady, but I do wish them well.
Has anybody contacted Hornady to confirm? This list is all over the net, along with official looking notices from Hornady denying this. Both could be true, or not.
Sorry to hear this, I shoot bergers primarily but I will.be the first to say that the amax gives up nothing to any other bullet out there. As far as volume goes i will stick my neck out and say there are as many amax's sold as there are bergers if not more.
There is a video on youtube.com of Steve Hornady explaining why the company is doing this. It comes down to backorders that will take two years to fill and the production time lost changing out bullet presses from one to another to another and so on.

I went through the Hornady manufacturing plant a while back. I only remember seeing one or two presses not in use. I assume they were down for maintenance or a different bullet caliber/weight.

The posting by Antelope_Sniper is right on (in my opinion) as to "why this is happening." Only five percent of Hornady's production is for government contracts. The DHS orders is not the reason for Hornady's move.

A quick look at the suspended items list might make someone think the 7mm Rem Mag reductions are going to make an impact on the market. I believe the suspended ammo for the 7mm Rem Mag are the lowest selling ones. Again, this is a business decision. I will continue to use Hornady reloading products and their bullets.