How clean is clean?


Dec 2, 2010
I cleaned my rifle last night with a rod, a brush, and patches. I used Remington's Bore Bright and Rem Oil per directions. I use the Bore Bright 3 times for a total of 30 passes. The last set of passes the patch came out a little dirty but the barrel was very bright. When I ran a few patches with Rem Oil to finish the process, they were almost spotless, so is it good to go or should I hit it a few more times. For the last few years, I have used a bore snake but after some reading bought a nice kit. My goal is to take my old rifle and get it shooting better than ever this summer. So far I have FF the barrel and now I want it clean so I can load for it.
Myself I gave up the brush, just use solvent now and run clean patches soaked with it until no blue comes out. I let it soak for maybe 5 minutes and then run a couple dry patches, continue until no blue. Then run a tad of oil through and I am good to go. That's just me though.
I pretty much do the same as kendog. If your fresh clean patch and solvent comes out with something on it, the bore isn't clean no matter how bright it is. With that said,,, once I know the bore is absolutely clean, I will shoot some fouling shots through before doing any serious shooting, to "settle in" the bore. Then I don't clean the bore again until accuracy falls off. Only if long term storage is planned will I clean before accuracy falls off. But I shoot everything enough, that don't happen.

Same here, I don't use brushes at all anymore. I use jags with tight fitting patches and then clean as needed like Dave does. Sounds like you got it pretty good, but if you used a brush, you could be picking up stuff leftover from it on your patch also. Scotty
Each barrel tells me what it needs. I generally swab it or wipeout it at range, get home brush it & patch it, Wipeout overnight, patch it till clean. Some barrels, dependant on shooting will take a wet patch, a brushing, Iosso treatment, patch it, Montana Extreme it, soak it.

I am not against bronze brushing and dont think it hurts the bore. Improper brushing and technique hurt it. But do use both hi qual bronze brushes, hi qaul nylon brushes and I use specific to the action and caliber boreguides and I remove the brush at the muzzle without pulling it back thru. And I do hit em all with Iosso or JB at the 100 rd count to stay on top of the carbon..

Want an eye opener? Give it your best shot at cleaning, then get it borescoped.... :mrgreen:
