How Deep Should You Go?


Apr 27, 2014
As some know I just recently got a Remington 700 35 Whelen. I use the Hornady Case Length Gauge and bullet comparator to determine the length I can seat a bullet and usually go with .020" deeper than the reading I get with the Case Length Gauge and Comparator. That initial reading was 2.890" to the ogive or datum line. A .020" deeper seating with the Nosler 225 gr bullet makes it a shallow depth in the case at 2.870". I like to seat most bullets to the diameter of a given bullet for the case neck to have something to hold on to. Seating the bullet to the datum line plus that .020" is only about half the diameter of the bullet. If I go full diameter in seating puts it at 2.532". that's really more than needed to allow feed functioning but holds the bullet more.

I tried a feed cycle in the rifle with the bullet seated at the depth determined by the gauge plus an additional .020" and it feed fine. The only part I'm concerned about in seating that shallow is how well the case neck is holding the bullet. I'm open for suggestions. :grin:
Don't sweat it. My Whelen is the same way. I would give it a try at 3.34" first and get a baseline for accuracy with the 225 PT. You can always adjust out if necessary. My Whelen is one of those rifles with a LONG throat so even the long 225 AB doesn't even come close to hitting the rifling and maintaining a caliber in the neck.

I am betting if the rifle is sound and it'll shoot well. Haven't heard of too many Classic's or CDL's not shooting well like that.
I know the manuals recommend a max OAL of 3.340" but, that seems awfully short for this bullet/rifle. I don't like to seat them any deeper than necessary as to not have the bullet jump a good distance before contacting the rifling. I may try a group of three and see how it does, nevertheless.
Scotty has provided sound advice concerning your Classic. There is a fair jump to the lands, but it isn't so much that you need worry about neck tension.
I've done very well with the 250's at 3.34" in my rifle. It is hard to load that far from the rifling but chances are your rifle will still shoot really well when it has a little jump.
3.340" it is then. I was just going by old habits with other rifles. Oddly enough, however, my Sako 222 does better seated deeper with the 55 gr Berger bullet than seated to where I'd normally seat it. I think it's something like .050" from the ogive and gives 1/2" or better groups, if I do my part.
It's only a few bullets. I'm thinking you'll do well. Give it a powder it likes and you'll have it hammering in no time.
I'm trying RL-15 and IMR 4064 first. I've read those are the two powders for any bullet weight and I just happen to have some in stock.
Yeah, I hope 15 works for you as it does for others. It's excellent in my rifle with 225 and 250's.
ReLoder 15 should work just fine in your rifle. IMR 4064 is another fine powder, to be sure.
I've got 3-1# cans of 4064 just need to jump on a couple more pounds of RL-15. The one pound I have I feel won't last too long since I use it in another caliber as well. Longrangehunter has some for sale and I'll get some from him soon.