So being a diehard 6.5 fan I don't know how I missed this one. Its a stretched 6.5-284 to '06 length with a 35 degree shoulder and 81gr H2O capacity. RPM stands for Rebated Precision Magnum. first non venturi shoulder non belted Weatherby cartridge. designed for their backcountry sub 5 lb rifles. Factory loading are rather anemic with a 127 LRX at 3225, a 140 AccuBond at 3075 and an Interlock at 2975. Seems to me its not filling a roll that the 264WM or the 6.5-06AI aren't already(or the 6.5 PRC). Any thoughts and why doesn't Fotis have one of those $3400 4.6 lb rifles in this cartridge yet?