How fast is too fast for a Nosler ballistic tip bullet?


May 13, 2020
Shot a good group the other day .781 inches out of my 270 with the 130 gr Nosler ballistic tip. Powder was Reloader 17 at 55 grains and I got an average velocity of 3125 fps. I have never gotten close to that velocity in my 270 so I was very surprised. I was hoping for approximately 3000 fps. My question is, will the ballistic tip hold up fine at that speed?
My experience with Nosler Ballistic Tips is to make sure if using a high speed round like a 7 STW pushing a 140 grain NTB at 3400 plus fps, is to make sure its broadside if doing lung hits, not angled towards it. I once hunted impala with the 7 STW, and never used the Ballistic Tip with it again. Impala was angled away walking, and the bullet hit on the last rib angled towards the opposite shoulder which resulted in the bullet exploding on impact but did not drop at the spot, but made a very devastating wound and shortly was found a quarter mile away. Another time I hunted deer and blackbuck with the Ballistic Tips, I ran the bullets through both lungs while broadside and it sure dropped them dead lightning fast. I switched to Accubonds or the Swift Scirroco and never looked back after the impala experience. As for velocities of 3200 fps or less, as JD mentioned, or less then its fine, just try to stay off bones. I always run the NBT at the crease of the shoulders for double lung shots and those bullets have been devastating on small to mid sized game. Ballistic Tips have been my go to bullet in most of my rifles to hunt South Texas game except for nilgai.

ReloadKy, you will be fine at that speed for small to medium sized game.
That velocity you re attaining with the 130 gr BT is optimal. Where I ve typically loaded my 270 s too !!

Follow Dr Mikes guidance!
killed aa bunch of whitetails and a 200# black bear with a 140 @ 3500+ MV, the bear was shot on the shoulder at 80 yards, bullet exited, bear never took a step. Only had 1 deer to ever run from that load, he made it 30 yards. Bet I have taken 75 deer with BT's, using 95 gr. 243, 115 gr. 257, 120 and 140 gr. 284. I like them!
I took a
Shot a good group the other day .781 inches out of my 270 with the 130 gr Nosler ballistic tip. Powder was Reloader 17 at 55 grains and I got an average velocity of 3125 fps. I have never gotten close to that velocity in my 270 so I was very surprised. I was hoping for approximately 3000 fps. My question is, will the ballistic tip hold up fine at that

Shot a good group the other day .781 inches out of my 270 with the 130 gr Nosler ballistic tip. Powder was Reloader 17 at 55 grains and I got an average velocity of 3125 fps. I have never gotten close to that velocity in my 270 so I was very surprised. I was hoping for approximately 3000 fps. My question is, will the ballistic tip hold up fine at that speed?
I took a large buck broad side at 40 yds. 130 tip in my .270 clocks at 3,240. It exited. My friend hit a small doe about 80 yds. quartering to him. A 165 tip in the 30-06 flattened the deer but lost the core in the process. Velocity was 2,700 FPS . Hit more bone in the wouund chanel.
Last two mule deer I shot.
30 cal 150 grain AccuBond at 30 yards, velocity about 2600 fps. hit shoulder, didn't exit, bloodshot meat for 1 foot in diameter around entry.
25 cal 100 grain BT at 320 yards, left barrel at 3200 fps, hit spine as i didn't take into account how much below me he was. Occasional shards of copper in backstrap.

Both deer stopped where they were, so no real complaints. They sure do shoot accurately.
I run them over 4250fps with long barreled 243. I also shot a few Pronghorn with 125 grain ballistic tips at a 4000 fps muzzle velocity out of my 300 RUM. Run them as fast as you want.
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I often see a blood vapour cloud from lung shot deer with a 100gn bullet at 3220 fps MV - the deer don't run far - maybe 10-20yds before they collapse - dead as a dodo by the time I walk to the beast. Performance of the bullet has always been as perfect as you could wish for - smile & be happy :)
By the way, I've never recovered a Nosler BT bullet nor a 110gn AccuBond from any deer I've shot. Some fragment of the jacket on 100 gn Nosler BT's inside the deer, but never the intact bullet. Only bullets I ever recovered were 100gn Speer when I used them on red deer hinds in Scotland (Just under the skin in the opposite shoulder)
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