How Many Reloads?

I'll weigh mine but I believe mine weighs about that all scoped and everything. It's not bad at all though. It handles recoil real nice. Accurate too
I'll bet it handles cast bullets well, also. That would be some cheap, interesting shooting.
Yeah, Remington twisted them 1-16 so I would think they would handle cast really well. It is really a great cartridge. With RL15 it really can kick along some great ballistics. 200's at 2850, 225's 2750 and 250's 2625. Those are out of my rifle with a 24" barrel and accuracy has been excellent since the get go. It is pretty easy to load for and it does lay down game very well for the amount of powder used.
I didn't know the twist was that slow. I would have thought for 225-250 gr jacketed bullets a 1:14 would have been better.
ColColt":3jtf7zeu said:
I didn't know the twist was that slow. I would have thought for 225-250 gr jacketed bullets a 1:14 would have been better.

You are completely correct, 1-14 would have been better and 1-12 would have been best in my opinion. I cannot complain though, it shoots 250 PTs and 225 ABs really well. So it stays. If I was to ever rebarrel it get a 1-12 just because.
I have three rifles in the Whelen. A Ruger M77 in a Ramline stock because I didn't want the wood stock to get all chewed up. That one was my first. Then came a Remington M700 Classic and finally I picked up someone's custom from an estate sale. That last rifle fits me so well that the others have been neglected. My go to load in the custom has proved to be too hot in the Remington and does a solid 2710 FPS with the Barnes 225 gr. TSX. That load has proven to be a pure out and out elk thumper. Three shots and three elk although the last one wat hit a bit too far back and required a finisher when we got up to her. Distances were 150, 350 and 180 yards in that order. I do dearly love that rifle. FWIW, one load that has proven decently accurate is Paco Kelly's 53.0 gr. of H330. It's been a 1.0 to 1.25" load at a bit over 2500 FPS in all three rifles. Bullets were the 250 gr. Speer Hot Core and the Hornady 250 gr. Interlock. The Remington liked that one the best with accuracy being just about equal, the Speer being slightly better IIRC. I'm thinking of using the Ruger for strictly cast bullet use.
Recoil isn't all that bad. No worse than an 06 with a hot 220 gr. load, at least from my rifles.
Paul B.
PJ, That was my problem when I had my custom .270 Win stock made from a Model 70. The Model 70 was preceded by a Mannlicher Schonauer carbine .270 Win with a 20 inch barrel. Not only was the MS fussy, it would not stay sighted in with a scope mount (side mount) for more than a week. Plus it was not a MOA rifle to begin with, not with that stock!

When I got the Model 70 .270 Win back from the stockmaker, I never hunted with the MS .270 again and a year later sold the Mannlicher. The custom Model 70 still shoots 5/8 MOA groups to 300 yards 41 years later. I miss the fine workmanship of the MS but do not miss its eccentricities!