How to attain "favorite uncle" status at Christmas


Nov 9, 2005
My brother's youngest son, a high school senior this year, just began shooting trap about a year ago. The coach at his school found out he was a duck hunter and heavily recruited him to join the multi-school trap team. I loaned him my BT 99 and he began his trap shooting experiences; he liked mine so much that he bought his own Bt 99 a few months later and soon became a regular 22, 23, 24, 25 shooter. Then he and dad began having component availability issues as my brother began running out of supplies from his stock; his son began shooting them up a bit quicker than they had anticipated. He watched carefully on some select web sites and was able to purchase some 700x powder, and some shot from the local club. But primers became an issue - he was down to the last few hundred and they were going quickly. This year for Christmas I went shopping in my loading room and gave him 1000 Winchester 209's. His look was amazement and appreciation; he is acutely aware of their value and availability. Watching him open the gift was worth every cent I paid for these 15-18 year old primers... and then some. I really enjoy helping him out. He is also being courted by two colleges with trap shooting programs. I can't wait until my grandkids get a bit older and can shoot more regularly with me.
I have yet to reload shotties. 00, 000 or maybe 0 and defiantly slugs if I ever get started. I just need components as for a friend has a sg press.
It's been a while but I used to reload a bunch of 12 ga. target loads... like I usually had a couple of five gallon bucket's ready to shoot. Man that was a ton of time in front of a MEC 600 Jr....
It's been a while but I used to reload a bunch of 12 ga. target loads... like I usually had a couple of five gallon bucket's ready to shoot. Man that was a ton of time in front of a MEC 600 Jr....
You and me both. I have boxes of wads that are no longer made. My Dad and I would buy felt and plastic powder wads in bulk cases and cages of Red dot powder I still have one metal 12# cage that is empty that I keep around for memories. Dad shot a LC Smith Specialty trap and I shot a Win M12.