Huge Nevada bull!

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
My goodness, just got a look at the cover of the 25th Anniversary Issue of Eastmans' Hunting Journal.

A huge Nevada public land bull, scoring 414! Awesome. The guy waited twenty years to draw that tag...

Sorry, I don't see the photo of that bull online yet at the Eastmans' web site - believe me - it looks like something from a prehistoric cave drawing - would fit right in with wooly mammoths, cave bears and the like. Quite a bull, and the happy hunter is grinning ear to ear, as well he should!
Can't wait to see that monster bull.

Got my issue last week.

Great bull, and lots of other good stuff inside.

Can't wait to get a peek at that bull.
If that doesn't get your old ticker beating a little faster than you are dead :wink:

Is this him?

Are you certain that is not a cave drawing, Owen? :mrgreen: That is one fine bull.
Wow that is a lot of BULL :wink:
That would be something to see walking toward you if it was hunting season or at anytime.


I saw a bull like that once, put my rifle to my shoulder, pulled the trigger, then the barrelled action fell out of the stock, and then I woke up. Need to stop watching the Outdoor Network before bed.

Beautiful big bull from Nevada. I always thought that Nevada had a few of these, if you could get the license?

Someone please tell me that this was not some rich guy who paid $200,000 for the license and hired 35 ranch-hand-guides to worry and harrass, maybe rope and tie this bull half to death before he shot him! That idiot in Utah with the 400 point bull a couple years ago spend $ half-million dollars and took 35 guides to find and harvest that bull.
Actually that photo Owenv posted doesn't look like the bull or the hunter on the cover of the latest Eastmans' - but it is one heck of a bull! Just a different one.

My old boss 3 years ago pulled a 380 class bull out he was dang sure impressive. How he got his tag in only 5 years I'll never know. I know some people who have put in every year for the last 40 and haven't got one. Heck I can't even draw a tag. (Got a left over. Over the counter!!!) Some people I know have drawn for the last 15 years for deer. Go figure!!