Hundreds of mule deer...

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Sorry, no photos.

Was up in the hills for a couple of hours with some friends, looking at property... Even with three adults, a child and a hunting dog, mid-afternoon, we must have seen 200 mule deer...

Perhaps I can buy a chunk of land up there, deer-friendly land. We will see.

That must have been really nice to see, sounds like a great place to live :)
Great to hear they have wintered over in such fine numbers, Guy. Good report.
Guy that is great to hear that the Muleys in your neck of the woods have wintered well.
I will be getting out in the next couple of weeks to see how our deer herds fared this winter.


Sounds like the deer in your area are thriving.

We have a fairly normal winter with no really unusual cold weather. The Mule Deer herd should be in good shape.
Even with the rough winter we had here I saw very few road kills. What deer I've seen in the fields have been pretty healthy looking.