

Ammo Smith
Dec 13, 2013
Took the girls and the Dickinson for a 4mile walk today. 25 degrees when we started out. Had a couple of Roosters flush well ahead of the dogs and one solid point. I got sloppy with my footwork and missed. Think I’m going to sell the gun. Almost back to the truck and Miss Sugar locked up on the edge of some tall Sudan Grass. flushed a couple of Huns, managed one. Definitely going to sell the gun:)
can’t post photos today.


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They know when it's our fault that the bird gets away... Sigh...

We almost never find huns anymore. Chukar, quail and sometimes a pheasant, but few huns. Sure do love hunting with a bird dog. :)


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Got to shoot some Huns in Saskatchewan in '92 with the 22.
Tried to arrow a couple in '09 when on an archery antelope hunt in Alberta; hard to get into range with a bow. Barely missed on the one good opportunity I had at 42 yards. The other was a wider miss at over 50 yards. They just didn't seem to stop moving!
The fellow who was taking me on the antelope hunt had a young pointer he was working birds with; was fun to watch!
Best Hun hunting dog we ever had was a Boarder collie. That dog grew up with a couple of pointers and golden retrievers. Huns would be moving through the sage and Idaho fescue, brother would turn the collie loose. That damn dog would circle around and come back to the traditional dogs, pushing the Huns. Actually was an article in the sport section of the Oregonian 30 years or so about the dog. Worked ok on pheasants but they tended to jump once ”Macy” tried to turn them.
They know when it's our fault that the bird gets away... Sigh...

We almost never find huns anymore. Chukar, quail and sometimes a pheasant, but few huns. Sure do love hunting with a bird dog. :)


Great photo, shows the intensity. I gotta learn to do that.
I was hunting quail with a friend and his German short-haired when one pointed. I walked up to the dog but no bird flushed. I moved around to the side still no bird. When I finally spotted the bird it was between the dogs front paws. The bird flushed while I was trying to get my camera from my vest. At least my buddy appreciated that I was trying to get a really cool photo. I swear I saw the dog lip out "dumba$$".
I was hunting quail with a friend and his German short-haired when one pointed. I walked up to the dog but no bird flushed. I moved around to the side still no bird. When I finally spotted the bird it was between the dogs front paws. The bird flushed while I was trying to get my camera from my vest. At least my buddy appreciated that I was trying to get a really cool photo. I swear I saw the dog lip out "dumba$$".
I only took one photo of my old dog, Clark, while he was on point. That pheasant had buried itself deep, and I knew Clark had a great record of getting birds to freeze in place, not moving at all. That said, I got the photo, put the camera away, and got my shotgun in hand very quickly! :) Yes, we got the bird!


That dog sometimes held point for at least five minutes. I learned that on an early hunt with him when my hunting buddy and I were walking back to the truck, and we realized Clark wasn't with us anymore! We backtracked, and walked back to find him. He was nearly a quarter mile away as I recall, locked up on point with a pheasant. My goodness. Well we flushed the pheasant that he had so dutifully pointed. Amazing. Also - I confess - I missed the shot... Sigh...

That's a great picture of Clark on point.
Glad to hear that you got that bird.

Many years ago in Iowa we had some Huns and I have had some good times with them. I still carry 3 shotgun shells with 7 1/2 shot in my vest just in case I bump into some Huns or Bobwhie Quail.